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Solon Economist

The community newspaper for Solon

Solon Economist

The community newspaper for Solon

Solon Economist

Opinion | If wishes were horses beggars would ride

Milli Gilbaugh, Food for Thought January 30, 2025

That phrase first appeared in John Ray's collection of English proverbs in 1670 and applies to the very human trait of wanting things we are not able or sincere enough to strive for. As children we may...

Opinion | My mind and body are out of sync

Milli Gilbaugh, Food for Thought January 16, 2025

As the years whiz by, I've begun to understand some things about age. Mainly that it exists more in the perceptions of others than it does in oneself. I don't feel “old” even though most people would...

Insurance problems won’t go away by glorifying a murder

Randy Evans, Stray Thoughts December 18, 2024

When and why did the United States turn into such a cesspool of hatred? Some people may disagree with that characterization. But events last week have or should put those questions front and center...

Little Elephant’s Christmas

Milli Gilbaugh, Food for Thought December 18, 2024

I give my dad credit for turning me into a bookworm. And for all the activities, interests and accomplishments that my love of reading led to. It seems that, every Christmas and birthday, there was...

Sorting out the calendar

Milli Gilbaugh, Food for Thought December 3, 2024

While December has always been the last month of the year, it hasn't always been the twelfth month. It got its name from the Latin word “decem” meaning “ten” because the year, at that time,...

A call to reopen the Duane Arnold Energy Center

Caden Bell, The Daily Iowan December 3, 2024

One of the most iconic jobs in television is Homer Simpson’s role at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant. The two cooling towers became an iconic part of the show, and the plant brought highly educated...

School board learns important lesson on secrecy

Randy Evans November 20, 2024

Last week, I bumped into an Appanoose County woman I have known for several years. She thanked me and the nonprofit organization I manage for shining the spotlight on the actions of Centerville Community...

Food for Thought

November 20, 2024

There are different accounts of that feast in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1621. Some say it was not an observance of thanksgiving for a successful year, but the celebration of a treaty with the Wampanoag...

Other things to celebrate this month

Milli Gilbaugh, Food for Thought November 12, 2024

Since Thanksgiving is so late this year, you might want to think about some of the other things you can celebrate in November. The 16th is National Button Day. I'm not sure if it refers to the kind...

Odds, ends, and oddities

Milli Gilbaugh, Food for Thought November 7, 2024

By now, you probably know how the election turned out – I don't as of the writing of this column. By the time this gets to you it will be all over but the shouting. The process it has to go through...

Fidelity to Constitution more important than policy differences

Randy Evans, Stray Thoughts October 23, 2024

A family acquaintance was on Vice President Dick Cheney’s Secret Service detail during George W. Bush’s presidency. His Christmas photo one year was a portrait of him, his wife and Cheney together...

Cure the disease or treat the symptoms?

Milli Gilbaugh, Food for Thought October 23, 2024

Clear the shelters, they tell us. Adopt an abandoned or abused animal. Donate to pay for the care of animals someone else has mistreated or didn't want to be responsible for. What's wrong with this...

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