After deciding some fourteen years ago to take on an additional career venture which involved direct communication with Public Works people, it didn’t take long for me to realize the important role that Public Works played in the image and progress of a city or town. I also came to realize that not only was Public Works a multitude of strenuous and tiresome jobs…but often, a very thankless and unappreciated department as well. Resident complaints largely outnumber compliments.
For the past twenty seven years, our town of Solon has been blessed to have such a devoted Public Works Director in Scott Kleppe. Scott went above and beyond to make our town something we could all be proud of…and whin it came to dedication to a job, he had it. His passion for the job was evident in so many ways, whether it was his proactiveness to winter storms clearing our streets, a miraculous recovery from a derecho, or his vision to improve our streets annually with new resurfacing and curbing projects.
As Public Works Director, Scott was on call 24/7, carrying out responsibilities for water main breaks, cut utility lines, resident emergency requests, and our annual Beef Days event to name just a few.
So grateful Scott, for all of your tireless and thankless hours of service that you and your Public Works team provided for our town of Solon. The sacrifices that you and your family have made over the years to make our lives easier didn’t go unnoticed!
You will be missed, Klep!
-Gary Brimeyer