SOLON — The Solon Beef Days Committee is accepting original artwork for the t-shirt design of the 2025 Solon Beef Days Celebration, to be held Friday, July 18, and Saturday, July 19. Each artist may submit more than one design.
To qualify, designs need to meet the following guidelines:
• Artwork must be produced using a conventional media or desktop publishing software
• Artwork must be 5”x7” or larger
• Artwork must include the Beef Days Celebration and/ or the celebration dates (7/18 & 7/19)
• Artwork MUST be original and exclusive
***Please be sure to include your name and contact information on all entries.
The Solon Beef Days T-shirt committee will accept artwork until Saturday, May 10.
Artwork will become the property of the Solon Beef Days Committee. An honorarium of $100 for 1st Place, $50 for 2nd Place, and $25 for 3rd Place will be awarded to the artists whose designs are selected to promote the 2025 celebration by the Beef Days Committee. The selected artwork will be featured on all promotional material for the Beef Days Celebration including, but not limited to, programs, posters, billboards, and t-shirts.