SOLON — Johnson County Public Health is partnering with community-based organizations in the county to offer Seasonal Flu and COVID-19 vaccines for eligible adults through the Vaccines for Adults (VFA) program.
The VFA Program aims to increase adult vaccination rates and decrease disparities in immunization coverage by providing no-cost vaccine for uninsured or underinsured adults 19 years of age and older. The CDC recommends updated 2024-2025 vaccines to protect against severe COVID-19 and flu this winter and spring.
The Solon Community Food Pantry will host a vaccination clinic Monday, March 3, 2-6:00 p.m. at the pantry located in the basement of the Solon Methodist Church, 122 N. West St., Solon. Eligibility criteria applies to receive the vaccines.
Eligibility criteria for VFA vaccines:
Adults 19 years of age or older who are…
• Uninsured – Does not have private insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid
• Underinsured – A person who has health insurance, but the insurance does not cover any vaccines; a person whose insurance covers only selected vaccines; a person whose insurance does not provide first-dollar coverage