SOLON — After a little over a quarter-century, several major projects,
and countless hours spent plowing snow, cutting up fallen trees, tossing sandbags, and responding to all manner of citizens’
public works requests; Scott Kleppe is hanging up his bright yellow shirt with reflective material for the last time as he retires this Friday, Feb. 14, after 26-1/2 years of serving the City of Solon (and the surrounding area) as the Public Works Director and Assistant City Administrator.
Kleppe initially announced his retirement via email Friday, Jan. 24,
stating he has taken on the position of a Program Manager for Wichita State University Environmental Finance Center, “… helping small and tribal communities with their environmental challenges for the State of Iowa.”
The Environmental Finance Center (EFC) is one of ten located across the country y providing communities with professional training opportunities, technical assistance, and applied research to help communities build their capacity to address environmental challenges and provide quality of life, according. to the EFC’s website.
The EFC assists with projects including water utilities, solid waste management, and sustainability issues. Although Wichita State and the EFC are located in Wichita, Kansas, Kleppe won’t be leaving the Hawkeye State for the Sunflower State anytime soon.
“It is a remote position, so leaving the city I love is not in the plans,” wrote Kleppe.”
In recognition of Kleppe’s years serving the City of Solon, and his 36-1/2 total years in local municipal government, a small retirement ceremony was held during the Wednesday, Feb. 5 City Council meeting.
“There’s a lot of people that you mean a lot to in the room tonight that you have worked with over the years, and you definitely are going to leave big shoes to fill,” said Mayor Dan O’Neil. “…The pride that you have for the town, how you care about the people.”
Former mayor Rick Jedlicka reminisced about Kleppe’s interview for the Public Works Director.
“There was no doubt when he left that he was going to be the person we were going to hire. Part of that was the answers that he gave, but it was also what I observed. Scott walked in, very firm handshake, dress shirt,
dress pants, a pair of shoes that looked like they just came out of a box.”
Jedlicka noted the job wasn’t going to be a nice clean desk job in an office, but that Kleppe, or whoever was hired, was going to be very hands on plowing snow and literally “shoveling crap” at the sewer plant. “I have never in my life seen a guy that was that uncomfortable in dress clothes. The reality is, from that day forward, the one thing Scott never did was try to be somebody that he isn’t. And that’s why he was successful.”
Former mayor Steve Stange knew Kleppe from serving together as volunteers on the Solon Fire Department.
“He was that guy that would always help me, and he’s that guy for everyone. He was that guy who was always going to help you.”
Stange it didn’t matter how, or when, Kleppe was going to be there whether it was a downed branch or a battle against nature itself.
“Christmas Eve, he’s out there plowing snow by himself because he didn’t want his guys to have to come in on Christmas Eve.”
Stange recalled Kleppe being a natural fit as Assistant City Administrator. “I really saw him blossom. His mind is really amazing in so many different things. He’s got this great brain of knowledge. When he told me he’d accepted this new position, I was just so excited for him. Its just awesome.”
To Kleppe, he said, “You don’t have to worry about weekends anymore, your family’s going to get to see you on Christmas and Christmas Eve. I want to thank you for the sacrifices you made for the City, that’s a massive impact that people don’t realize. You can be proud of what you’ve done and the neat thing is you’ll be able to drive around, and your kids will be able to drive around here, for a long time, and see the impact you’ve had on this town.”
City Administrator, and also a former mayor, Cami Rasmussen, did some calculations related to Kleppe’s time with the City since his start (with Rasmussen) in 1998.
“You worked with six mayors, eight city clerks, four city administrators, two library directors, three building inspectors, four city attorneys, three finance directors, eight recreation directors, 12 fulltime public
works employees, and 26 city council members.
Are we going to miss him? Immensely. Are we happy for him? Immensely.”
Kleppe also received tributes from Sheriff Brad Kunkel, Johnson County Emergency Management Agency Director Dave
Wilson (who presented Kleppe with a plaque of appreciation), and the current council members.
“I appreciate everybody’s comments,” said Kleppe.
“Probably the hardest thing for me is sitting here and listening to it. I do think you guys are going to have success in finding someone to replace me and the way the town’s growing your new person’s going to come with new ideas and ways to do things. And that’s not going to be a bad thing. I enjoyed everything I did here. The town is very different (now) and one thing that was very important to me is maintaining the small town feel, especially as Solon continues to grow. I think the Mayor, the Council, and the Staff have done a great job with that but it’s going to get tougher to do.
One of the things that I like about Solon is the welcoming of everybody and the collaboration. It’s a great place.”