18 Solon High School students were among 51 members of the Cedar Rapids Prairie HS FFA Chapter who received their traditional blue FFA jackets Tuesday, Jan. 28 during a ceremony at Prairie. (Kristy Thomann | Contributed photo)
CEDAR RAPIDS — Eighteen Solon High School students enrolled in Future Farmers of America (FFA) classes this year received their distinctive and traditional National Blue with Corn Gold trim jackets during a ceremony Tuesday, Jan. 28 at Prairie High School in Cedar Rapids.
Alannah Mahoney, Allen Shima, Brayden Netolicky, Bubba Kreps, Emily Pence, Jack Steinbrech, Kaden Recker, Mackenna Craig, Mackenzie Craig, Maddi Singbeil, Mary Richards, Payton Pearson, Peyton Netolicky, Raleigh Bennett, Reece Meyer, Tess Richards, Will McAtee, and William Katzer attend FFA classes at Prairie under the instruction of Kristy Thomann and Laura Brecht, the agriculture teachers at Prairie High School.
The National FFA Organization is an intracurricular organization for students interested in agriculture and leadership who are recognized by their jackets.
“The FFA jacket is more than a piece of clothing,” explained Thomann, “It is a lifestyle. The jacket represents a lifestyle of new opportunities, tradition, leadership, agriculture, commitment, pride, community service, social responsibility, a sense of belonging, and so much more.”
Thomann added when an FFA member is wearing official dress (including the jacket), they are held to a higher standard of conduct. “They are held to the FFA standard and they are expected to be model citizens of the FFA organization, their school, and their community. The jacket unifies members in a long-standing tradition and reminds them that they are part of something bigger than themselves.”
51 students in total were presented with their FFA jackets.
This is the first year for Solon HS students to attend FFA classes at Prairie, having attended them at West Branch HS previously.
“I believe things have been going well,” said Thomann. “I grew up in a similar position as these students. My high school did not have an agriculture program, so I went to a neighboring school as well. All of the students have some sort of passion or connection to agriculture, and it has been a pleasure to engage and educate them each week”
Solon’s students have been active in Prairie’s FFA Chapter with Alannah Mahoney, Maddi Singbeil, and Tess Richards attending the National FFA Convention this past October in addition to several other happenings involving Solon students.