A group of folks gather every Wednesday at the Methodist Church with people from many different areas for a social get-together that includes a meal, bingo and cards, plus lively conversations. For those unable to attend this gathering the same meal shared by the in-house is delivered to homes throughout the area by a group of faithful volunteers. These deliveries are offered Monday, Wednesday and Friday to anyone within a five miles radius of Solon on hard surface roads only. Meals can also be picked up at the church. This could be a treat for a family member, or a friend to have someone coming to their door with a hearty greeting and meal! Each meal is $5.00, paid monthly.
See the menu in this edition of the Solon Economist.
For more info and to enroll please call 319-624-2251 Monday, Wednesday, and Friday between 10 -11:00 am.
Restaurant Runs
Thursday, Feb. 2o – Eastwood’s, Solon. 12:00 Noon, personal cars. Sign-up sheet Wednesdays at Senior Dining or call 319-430-8655.
***Solon pictorial history book Solon Snapshots is now on sale at the Solon Public Library for $35***
Solon Senior Transport – Provides volunteer transportation for seniors to medical appointments. For information and to enroll please call Cindy Jensen at 319-360-3279.
Senior Advocates Board
Art Tellin 319-626-2816, Sandy Hanson 319-430-8655, Barry Byrne 319-354-8757, Cindy Jensen 319-360-3279, Larry Brecht 319-624-2925, Ivan Hasselbusch 319-670-9105, Phyllis Fiala 319-331-7447, and Mark Hollinrake 319-551-2811.