SOLON — The holiday season may be a little brighter for some area veterans thanks to parishioners at St. Mary Catholic Church who reached into their pockets one Sunday morning last month.
Bill Wieland, a member and officer of Solon Knights of Columbus Council 12129, said the Knights held a Donut Sunday Nov. 10 (the day before Veterans Day).
“We ask our parishioners to make a (free will) donation (for the donuts),” said Wieland, “and we had contacted the American Legion (Stinocher Post 460). Kathy Hirl, a member of the Auxiliary, said they could use the donations for eastern Iowa vets that are in need. It would be for underwear, socks, T-shirts, things they have a need for this time of year. So, Father Charles (Fladung) announced from the pulpit what we were doing it for, and we had generous donations for that event.”
A check for $600 was presented to the Legion Auxiliary Wednesday, Dec. 4.