SOLON — Scouting for Food is here! Solon Pack 120 and Troop 120 are participating in the Nationwide BSA Scouting for Food event to stock our local Solon Food Pantry!
Saturday, October 19, between 9:00 a.m.-Noon, we’ll be out to collect non-perishable donations. Donations should be placed in bags and set out by front doors or curbs before 9:00 a.m. that morning.
The biggest needs at the Solon Food Pantry are Toilet paper and canned soups.
We can always use Hamburger Helper, Suddenly Salad, canned tuna and chicken, mandarin oranges, peanut butter, canned soup, ramen noodles, mayonnaise, toilet paper, soap, shampoo, and toothpaste, canned goods, canned meats, canned vegetables (except corn, green beans or carrots) boxed foods, peanut butter, hygiene products, paper towels, non-perishable items. Also, no Cheerios, please!
If you live in an area we aren’t able to reach and would like to donate you can:
* drop donations off at the Solon United Methodist Church donations box. * Sam’s Market always has a box for donations too!