The Advocates have been arranging day trips for seniors for almost 17 years and have visited many cities, theaters and other places of interest. In looking toward 2025 trips we are asking for your input into where you would like to go, what you would like to see or experience.
Some ideas of our well-supported trips the past few years:
Kinze Innovation Center – Williamsburg
Billy Clocks/Vesterheim Museum – Spillville/Decorah
Art Sculpture bus tour/Jasper Co. Museum – Newton
John Deere/Grout Museum – Waterloo
Villages of Van Buren County – Tour of five villages/Dutchman’s Store
Maharishi University – Fairfield
Repertoire Theater/Swedesburg – Mt. Pleasant
Matchstick Museum – Gladbrook
Galena Tours
Muscatine Button Museum
Neil Smith Wildlife Refuge – Prairie City
Breitbach’s Restaurant/Balltown – 12 years
Circa 21 Dinner Theater – Rock Island – 14 years
Kalona meal & local stops – 17 years
If any of these trips appeal to you we would like to hear from you, or if you may have ideas or suggestions for places to visit. Our trips are taken within one day leaving the Solon Recreation and Nature Area (SRNA) in the morning hours and returning by 5:30-6:00 p.m. at the latest. We have been engaging Windstar Lines for many years, who provide competent drivers and well-appointed buses.
Also, check out the proposed 2025 trips and mark your calendar so that you can join us on those dates! Watch the monthly Senior Advocates News for date confirmation and details!
2024 Advocate Trips
All trips leave from the Solon Recreation and Nature Area (SRNA) or “Rec Park,” call 319-430-8655 for reservations
Friday, October 18 – Breitbach’s Restaurant. Cost $85. Leave SRNA at 9:15 a.m.
We plan to return to Solon from Breitbach’s via Wisconsin by taking the Cassville Ferry to Millville, Iowa (see photos).
2025 Proposed Advocate Trips
Wednesday, March 5 – Circa 21/Rock Island, “Sherlock Holmes,” Mystery/Comedy
Thursday, May 15 – Kalona, leave Rec Park at 11:00 a.m.
Illa Miller’s homecooked meal, Golden Delight Baker, String Town Community Store, South West Valley Greenhouse (Perry Bender’s).
Wednesday, June 11 – Circa 21/Rock Island, “Chicago,” The Musical
Meal & Movie (M&M)
No movies the last Friday of the month until further notice.
Restaurant Runs
Thursday, September 19 – Sally’s/Springville. 12:00 Noon, personal cars. Call 319-430-8655 if going.
Solon Senior Transport – Provides volunteer transportation for seniors to medical appointments. For information and to enroll please call Cindy Jensen at 319-360-3279.
Senior Advocates Board
Art Tellin 319-626-2816, John Lamantia 319-621-6887, Sandy Hanson 319-430-8655, Barry Byrne 319-354-8757, Larry Meister 319-624-2516, Don Burch 319-624-4054, Cindy Jensen 319-360-3279, Larry Brecht 319-624-2925, Ivan Hasselbusch 319-670-9105, Phyllis Fiala 319-331-7447, and Mark Hollinrake 319-551-2811.