To kick August off, the Solon Public Library hosted the annual “Dinosaurs at Dusk” event last Thursday. Wooden Dinosaur sculptures were scattered around the library grass. These dinosaurs were created by local craftsman Jack Neuzil, “The Dinosaur Man.” Neuzil created over 150 sculptures since he began creating them in 1993.
Neuzil loved sharing his passion with children and educating them about dinosaurs and brought his art and dinosaur knowledge to over 200 schools and 50,000 kids.
Because of this love, he donated the dinosaurs to the library. The sculptures range from under a foot long to about eight feet. Most of them are wooden sculptures with many hinges attached to allow the dinosaurs to be moved. These hinges make it more interactive for the kids as some will open and close the mouth of a T-Rex.
When Neuzil donated the dinosaurs to the library, they created Dinosaurs at Dusk to provide an opportunity for kids to see the gallery. The event is an hour-long event where kids can interact with dinosaurs. There is a scavenger hunt and many arts and craf ts, including painting, coloring, and dinosaur egg hatching.