IOWA CITY, Iowa – Twenty Johnson County 4-H members participated in the Educational Presentation competition Thursday, July 11 at the Johnson County Extension Office. Educational presentations are designed to provide an opportunity for 4-H members to demonstration communication skills by presenting knowledge, information, or a process to an audience.
Participants who received an Award of Merit or Excellence have the opportunity to present during the 2024 Johnson County 4-H and FFA Fair. These presentations will take place on Sunday, July 21, Monday, July 22, or Tuesday, July 23 in Montgomery Hall on the Johnson County Fairgrounds.
Brooke Bowersox (Graham Champions) received a yellow ribbon and an Award of Excellence for her presentation, “Important Life Skills Learned from Travel.”
Communication/Educational Presentation-Seniors – Brooke Bowersox, Graham Champions, yellow ribbon, Award of Excellence
For a complete list of results, visit the County Fair page on the Johnson County Extension website or