SOLON — The Johnson County Sheriff’s Office (JCSO) provides law enforcement to the city of Solon on a contracted basis and releases a monthly Town Time Report documenting the agency’s activities and time spent within the corporate limits of Solon.
Deputies conducted 28 traffic stops, responded to a dozen 9-1-1 hangups, 11 emergency medical, made five school visits, three fire responses and handled one death investigation among 156 total calls for service. Also, deputies responded to ten animal calls.
Between July 1, 2023 (start of the new fiscal year), and May 31, 2024, the JCSO has responded to a total of 1,704 calls for service.
As a reminder the Sheriff’s substation is open at 223 S. Iowa St. in Solon. The facility is not staffed 24/7 but if a deputy is needed (non-emergency) call 319-356-6800 to make a request to have one meet you. In an emergency, dial 9-1-1.
May Hours in Solon
Patrol 162:03
Criminal Investigation 7:18
Other 4:28
Medical Assist 4:04
Public Relations 4:00
Reports 2:20
Animal 1:29
Radar 0:36
Accident Investigation 0:24
On Foot 0:11
Motorist Assist 0:04
Transport/Relay 0:01
Total Hours Logged 186:58
Hours Required 176:10
Hours Over 10:48
Hours Logged for the year 2,094:31
Hours Required for the year 2,080:00
Sheriff’s time report for Solon
June 19, 2024