A note from the Principal
While it might be a touch on the chilly side outside as I write this newsletter, it is most definitely spring and the busiest time of the year! Students recently completed ISASP testing and teachers are frequently checking their scope and sequence on instruction to ensure we are hitting all the standards that we need to and have time to get everything in.
We have a lot coming up in the next couple of months. Please check and double check the calendar for all the things that are coming. We have a career fair happening later this month, then come May fourth grade is planning an outdoor day of learning in collaboration with a high school science course, and fifth grade is gearing up for our School of the Wild week. With so much happening, you can anticipate us sending more emails than normal to ensure strong communication on all the preparation and day of experiences.
We look forward to a strong spring of learning and active engagement!
Sincerely, Mrs. Holtz
Hearing screenings
Friday, April 19, fifth graders and new to Solon fourth graders will have hearing screenings provided by our Area Education Agency (AEA). If you DO NOT wish for your child to participate in hearing screenings, please email Mrs. Holtz ([email protected]) or out school secretary, Mrs. Laurie Arwine ([email protected]) PRIOR to April 19.
Counselor’s Corner
5th Grade Career Fair – Monday, April 15, our fifth grade students will have the chance to explore careers in the arts and healthcare fields. Each classroom will be assigned a business to visit, where they will learn about the daily operations and various roes within that business. Teachers will be communicating the particular business that they will be visiting. Students will return in time for lunch.
During this visit, students will be exposed to the particular skills necessary for these roles and how applying what they learn can impact their success in a career in these fields. This hands-on experience is a valuable opportunity for our students to start thinking about their future paths and interests.
SIS Career Day – Monday, Aprill 22, our eighth grade students will be hosting a career fair in the afternoon for our intermediate students. This event aims to provide an opportunity for our younger students to explore various career options that the eighth graders have researched and chosen to learn more about.
During the career fair, our intermediate students will have the chance to engage with at least three different career paths, ask interview questions, and learn firsthand from the eighth graders what influenced their career choices. It’s an excellent way for our students to gain valuable insight into different professions and begin thinking about their own future aspirations.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out. I am looking forward to a successful event where our students can discover new interests and feel inspired about their own career paths.
Thank you for your support in encouraging our students to explore different career options. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me at [email protected].
Character Strong monthly focus: Courage
Courage overview – We are excited to focus on courage this month! One way to think about courage is ”choosing what is helpful, right, and kind even when it is hard or scary.” Courage can look a little different for everyone. Get ready to explore as a family what courage means to you.
Courage is one of three traits we will focus on throughout the year that helps students Be Strong.
Across grade levels, students will be developing skills like focusing, organizing, and goal setting.
Conversation starters
• Can you share or show what it means to have courage?
• When you practice courage, how does it make you feel? Why?
Purposeful Pursuits – Have some fun connecting as a family this month while practicing courage. Here are two “Purposeful Pursuits” you can compete together:
• Remember that courage is choosing what is helpful, right and kind even when it is hard or scary.
Reflect, think, and discuss things you would like to do, but find intimidating or scary (individually or as a family). Maybe it’s a new hobby, trying a new game, sharing your art or invention with others, or going on an adventure somewhere. Give one of these things a try together this month and take a selfie to capture the memory.
• We have all demonstrated courage in our lives. Stories are powerful tools for connecting as a family. Plan time this week to share stories about courage with each other (you can use the story prompts to get started). At the end of the conversation, think of one way you can practice courage this week.
Story prompts:
• A time I (or someone else) showed courage was _________.
• An act of courage that changed/challenged me was _________.
Library news & information
April is School Library Month! Take some time this month to share with your student why you love libraries and celebrate reading!
Last month we touched on digital citizenship topics including how to identify clickbait and discussed why copyright is important. We also learned more about the upcoming Olympic games in Paris and used one of our database to research countries that may be participating.
In April we will be celebrating national poetry month and continuing to reinforce responsible behavior online.
If you have any questions about the SIS library, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at [email protected].
Book Swap — We would love to send all SIS students home for the summer with a gently used “new to them” book for the summer. In order to do so, we are seeking donations of elementary age appropriate books in good condition. We will sort the books and our hope is that in May all students will be able to “shop” for a new book or two the week before school gets out for the summer. In order to sort the books, we ask that all books be dropped off at the SIS office by Friday, May 3. Any questions? Please contact me at [email protected].
Band with Ms. Hand
Spring Band Concert – Fifth grade families, mark your calendar for your student’s 5th and 6th grade band spring awards concert Monday, May 6 at 5:15 p.m. in the Solon Center for the Arts. Concert attire guidelines are consistent with the winter concert. Additional details will be communicated as we get closer to the event.
Spartan Dash registration information
Spartan Dash will be Saturday, April 27. The registration form is available at https://spartandash2024.cheddarup.com. Registration is currently open. A form will go home with the students at a later date, which will explain how to register.
Jill Schmidt, [email protected].
SIS Yearbook ordering information
Our 2023-2024 Yearbooks are ready to be ordered! Orders can be made online or by filling an order form. All orders are due by Friday, May 17. To order online, visit inter-state.com/order and enter code 83719T.
Track and Field Day information
A note from Mr. Williams – The Solon Physical Education Department is sponsoring our annual track and field day for SIS students in fourth and fifth grades. The event will be held at Spartan Stadium Tuesday, May 21 from 11:30 a.m.-2:50 p.m. Friends and families are invited to attend. Sportsmanship, effort, and self-esteem are emphasized. The event promotes physical, social, and cognitive development of children.
In the event of threatening weather, officials will determine if it is necessary to postpone the event. The rain date will be Wednesday, May 22. More detailed information will be available next month.
Mr. Williams, SIS PE Teacher
Mark your calendars
April 27 – Spartan Dash
May 13-17 – 5th grade School of the Wild
May 14 – 4th grade Outdoor Learning with HS
May 21 – SIS Track & Field Day
May 29 – Step Up Day
May 30 – Last day of school, 1:30 p.m. dismissal
Solon Intermediate School information
Email – [email protected]
Website – www.solon.k12.ia.us
Location – 200 West 5th Street, Solon
Phone – 319-624-3401
Twitter (X) – @theholtzfamily4
Solon Intermediate School news
April 17, 2024