This year’s raccoon bounty bill (HF 2665) is state sanctioned, and taxpayer subsidized animal cruelty. The legislation’s goal is to incentivize the trapping, clubbing and skinning of raccoons. Lawmakers in committees on the bill have said the fur trapping industry is hurting because of low sales. They also say that raccoons are eating too much corn.
The estimated cost of this farce is $860,000 a year. If someone wants fewer raccoons on his farm, he already has the legal ability to do what he wants. He can already hire a trapper. I shouldn’t have to pay for it. The state legislature has an opportunity to say no to nonsense like this. The bill should be tabled and shouldn’t even be given a chance for a vote. But when it does inevitably get called the floor, our state representatives should reject it. Please contact your legislators and tell them to vote no!
Lynn Gallagher
Don’t make me pay for killing raccoons
April 10, 2024