A note from the Principal
Welcome to Iowa weather! From hot to cold to frigid temps, we’ve seen it all recently! Thank you for helping your child navigate the ever-changing forecast so that he/she is prepared for outdoor recess no matter the weather.
With the warmer weather we are excited to bring on spring break and then welcome students back post spring break for the final leg of learning. As we return from spring break, we will be preparing to take our ISASP, statewide testing, tests. For your reference, here is the testing schedule. All tests will begin at 9:45 a.m. on the given days and run for roughly one hour to one hour and 15 minutes.
4th grade schedule:
March 26 – Math test
March 28 – Reading test
April 2 – Language test
April 4 – Writing test
5th grade schedule:
March 25 – Science test
March 27 – Math test
April 1 – Reading test
April 3 – Language test
April 5 – Writing test
We would like to provide all students with a morning snack prior to ISASP testing. Please consider signing up to donate items to be brought to the school by Friday, March 22 at www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4FAEAB2EA1FAC61-48292446-isasp#/. We appreciate your support!
Thank you, PTO!
We’d like to take this time to thank our awesome PTO and our SIS families for the delicious conference meals! We appreciate your thoughtfulness!
Band with Ms. Hand
Congratulations to 5th grade band students who prepared and performed solos at Solo & Ensemble Festival February 16th.
Kinsley Ehmsen, flute
Leah Gorman, flute
Emmy Singsank, flute
Ruthie Walsh, flute
Evie Haugland, clarinet
Anna Hayek, clarinet
Sebastian Holmes, clarinet
Lizzie Vassiliades, clarinet
Karrigan Woods, clarinet
Summayya Ahmed, alto saxophone
Liz Barry, alto saxophone
David Allen, trumpet
Lillah Botsford, trumpet
Cai Brock, French horn
Mabel Munson, French horn
Emily Lyman, trombone
Willa Nichter, trombone
Hudson Cronan, tuba
Scout Broderson, percussion
Emma Olsem, percussion
Porter Thirtyacre, percussion
Spartan Summer Band Camp for incoming 6th-9th grade students
July 22-26, 9:00 a.m.-Noon
Camp activities
• Practice in sectionals led by high school band students
• Play exciting music and games in a large ensemble led by Ms. Hand
• Create and share your own compositions in small groups
• Perform in a showcase at the end of the week
• *New Color Guard extension – Learn the basic color guard moves and apply them to a fun routine
Character Strong Trait of the Month: Cooperation
Cooperation Overview
This month’s focus is cooperation. One way to think about cooperation is “working together to reach shared goals.” As a family, talk about how this definition applies to how you work together at home. What are some goals you share?
Cooperation is one of three traits we will focus on throughout the year that helps students Be Kind. Across grade levels, students will be developing skills like perspective-taking, conflict resolution, and leadership.
Conversation Starters
• What does cooperation mean in your own words?
• What is one way we can practice cooperation as a family?
Purposeful Pursuits
Have some fun connecting as a family this month while practicing cooperation. Here are two “Purposeful Pursuits” you can complete together.
1, Cooperation is working together to reach shared goals.
This week, plan a time where Everyone needs to work together to accomplish a shared goal like cleaning up the space you live in or making a meal together. Make sure everyone has a role to play with specific tasks., When the project is complete, discuss and celebrate how each person’s part was important to the end result.
2, Find a time to sit in a circle together and celebrate all the ways you have seen each other practice cooperation. Take turns sharing responses to the following prompts or make up your own. Remember to practice cooperation as you take turns and listen to each other.
Celebration prompts:
• What family member(s) do you want to celebrate for their cooperation this month?
• What is one way you were a leader this month? What is one way you were a helpful follower this month?
Save the date, register now!
Spartan Dash registration is currently open at https://spartandash2024.cheddarup.com.
Please note: A form will go home with the students at a later date, which will explain how to register.
The 2024 Spartan Dash will be Saturday, April 27. Support your students and our schools (Lakeview and SIS PTO).
Solon Intermediate School
Address: 200 West 5th St., Solon, Iowa 52333
Phone: 319-624-3401
Fax: 319-624-2427
Email: [email protected]