A note from the Principal
With the sunny days and warmer temps, I hope you have been able to enjoy some time outside! Spring for many of us means finding time to get back to some of the things we enjoy most, but for others it may mean something else. As we get ready for break, I do want to share something personal with all regarding my role in the district after this academic year. I was recently selected to serve the Fairfield community as their next superintendent. While this will be a challenge for our family, we know it is the right decision and look forward to the opportunities it will provide. Thank you for all of the support the last eight years. We will miss this place!
Zach Wigle
ISASP Testing
The statewide required testing will take place the week of April 1 this year. These tests will once again be for all 9th-11th graders. The schedule for each day will be communicated once we get closer. Students who have elected to work from home via EdMentum will also be required to take these tests, but those will be done at an alternate location. Details for those families will be sent out separately.
Dollars for Scholars
Solon families: The links below have been emailed and shared with the entire Senior Class of 2024.
Online submission, at https://solon.dollarsforscholars.org, is due on or before Thursday, March 7.
In the link above is a pdf document explaining the Dollars for Scholars process through Scholarship America. You will be able to find other scholarship opportunities through Scholarship America as well. Keep in mind that anyone who applies for Solon Dollars for Scholars receives a $600 scholarship! As you start the process, it is important that you use a personal email that you will use after high school. Many scholarships use the same recommendation form, so you could use the same form for several scholarships. It is important to remember when asking someone to write a letter of recommendation for you, that you provide them with an envelope and give an ample amount of time to complete.
Mrs. Stahle and Mr. Beck are happy to help with any Dollars for Scholars questions.
National Honor Society update
Decisions on acceptance or nonacceptance into the National Honor Society will be mailed to students around spring break.
Silver Cord – Reminder to seniors that if they want to complete their silver cord requirements, all paperwork needs to be turned into Kashi in the Media Center by May 1. All students interested in silver cord can check out more information at https://sites.google.com/solon.k12.ia.us/silvercord/home.
Questions? Students can contact Kashi at [email protected].
2023-2024 Yearbook
Please go to plicbooks.com/go/aDpiW to upload any school candid photos.
Please note, it allows for a nice variety of picture choices in your yearbook when used. This is a great way to get the most pictures possible for our book this school year, and a good way to include our e-learning students too.
We encourage adding a tag to the photo uploads before uploading so that pictures get categorized correctly in your yearbook (examples: Musical, 2nd block algebra, lunch outside).
Hey senior families!
Just a reminder if you haven’t done so already, please email your senior’s picture to Jacquie Kraxner in the main office at [email protected]. We need them for the yearbook and the Solon Economist.
Save the date
Wednesday, April 28 – Award Night in the Center for the Arts, 3:00 p.m.
Sunday, May 19 – Graduation at 2:00 p.m. Details for this event have yet to be finalized.
Dates to add to your calendar
March 7, 21, and 28 – Early dismissal at 1:45 p.m.
March 8-17 – Spring Break (NO school)
April 1-12 – ISASP testing
March 29 – Early dismissal at 1:45 p.m. for Good Friday
Parent help needed for Career Fair
Mother Nature cancelled our original date for our ICAP event.
We are now hosting our Career Fair at the high school for sophomores on Wednesday, April 24. One group of students will visit the career fair from 9:40-10:25 a.m., and the second group from 10:25-11:10 a.m. If you are available this date/times, please reach out to Amanda Stahle at [email protected].
From the Counseling Office
Senior Alert – Upcoming scholarships
Seniors, you’re so lucky to have so many scholarships coming due in March. Please take some time to look over the list of scholarships that are due next month. Remember to check with your school counselor for local scholarships and the college you’re planning to attend for institutional scholarships.
If you have any questions about the scholarship process, or any other part of the college journey, give us a call at 877-272-4692 or email [email protected].
Activities Schedules
For all things activity related, go to https://wamacconference.org/public/genie/150/school/12/ to find schedules, locations, dates, and times. The live streaming link for all our events can be found at https://www.solon.k12.ia.us/o/solon-csd/page/athletics-live-stream–2. Any questions can be directed to Casey Hack, district Activities Director at [email protected].
Solon High School
Email – [email protected]
Address – 600 West 5th St., Solon, IA.
Phone – 319-624-3401
Facebook – www.facebook.com/SolonHighSchool/
Twitter – @wigleza