We had an exciting week at the Capitol. During the seventh week of session, the main focus was on lively debates and sending bills to the House of Representatives for their review and consideration. It is hard to believe that we are now having our first debates on the Senate floor. We also had a constant flow of visitors from the district visiting the Capitol and expressing their support or concerns over bills moving through the legislature. I’d like to thank everyone that came out and met with me this week. It is always a joy to speak with my neighbors back home.
Agriculture on the Senate Floor
This week, the Senate approved Senate File 2204, a measure designed to enhance transparency regarding the ownership of Iowa’s farmland, a crucial resource for the state. The bill mandates that nonresident aliens, foreign businesses, and foreign governments register their agricultural land with the Secretary of State, providing detailed information including their legal name, address, nationality, and authorization to acquire such land. Failure to comply could result in penalties of up to 25 percent of the land’s assessed value, with registration required within 60 days of acquisition and biennial updates mandated thereafter. The legislation underscores Iowans’ commitment to safeguarding their agricultural heritage and ensuring accountability in land ownership.
Truth in Labeling
We worked hard to get SSB 3162 passed out of committee last week. As a refresher, this bill requires plant and lab grown protein products to be properly labeled with what and how they are made. I have spent much of the week working with a variety of groups on making the bill better. I would also like to thank every constituent and group that has worked with me on this bill to help protect Iowans from misbranded products and promote our livestock industry.
SF 2186
A bill that passed the Iowa Senate this week is SF 2186. In general, this bill aims to address harassment and extortion cases involving the unauthorized distribution of intimate images. Specifically, the bill expands the definition of “another person” to include individuals whose likeness is used without consent to create or modify such images. Those found guilty of harassment or extortion under these circumstances may face aggravated misdemeanors or class “D” felonies, with additional charges of involuntary manslaughter if the victim commits suicide as a result of the violation. These measures seek to strengthen protections against digital exploitation and ensure appropriate legal consequences for offenders.
In the last year, I have personally heard of so many situations in high schools where fake sexual images are being used to extort or harass other students. Often, with the use of artificial intelligence or Photoshop, individuals will take innocent images of their victims and turn them into fake sexually graphic photos with the intent to cause their victims harm or extort them for their personal gain. I am proud to have voted in favor of the bill as this behavior must come to an end and be punished.
Some questions have come up on whether minors will be charged with felonies that commit these crimes. We have full faith in our county attorneys that will assess each incident on a case-by-case basis. If these individuals commit the elements of this crime, it will be up to the courts to determine if they should be charged as a minor or adult. We must protect our children and hold those that commit these crimes accountable.
Iowans Support Constitutional Amendment Protecting Tax Cuts
Iowans overwhelmingly support a proposed constitutional amendment aimed at safeguarding tax cuts, as revealed by a recent poll conducted by Iowans for Tax Relief. The poll indicates that over 67 percent of Iowans back the idea of mandating a supermajority vote by the Legislature to raise income tax rates in the state. Additionally, there is strong support for enshrining the flat tax into the Iowa Constitution, ensuring a consistent tax rate for all taxpayers. I, along with other Senate Republicans, have emphasized tax reform for Iowa families as a priority since being elected, and hope to protect these reforms and your hard-earned dollars. By instituting a supermajority requirement for any future tax rate increases, the proposed amendment seeks to ensure bipartisan support would be necessary for such measures, further safeguarding taxpayers’ interests.
Day in the District
Last week brought another fantastic day in the district. Our day started at Williamsburg High School where several superintendents gathered to discuss legislation affecting our education system, both existing and proposed, alongside Director Snow of the Iowa Department of Education and Governor Reynolds. These superintendents bring great knowledge of these issues as they see the direct impact every day. It was a true honor to host Governor Reynolds and Director Snow at this important discussion and look forward to future conversations with them in attendance.
Also on Friday, I attended the Iowa State Workforce Development Board meeting. I am honored to be a board member of SWDB as over the years, it has become a passion of mine to advocate for Iowans who work so hard every day. SWDB oversees the development and implementation of the state workforce development plan and ensures that state workforce regions have the resources to support employment programs across the state.
On Saturday I made my way over to the county convention to speak on our successes in the Iowa Senate and the future of our party. I’d like to personally thank everyone that came out and participated in the conventions in Washington, Iowa, and Johnson counties. It is always so great to celebrate our accomplishments we have all worked so hard on since being elected to the Senate.
Every day I am honored and humbled to serve our district in the Iowa Capitol. It is a true blessing that I do not take for granted. As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out.