DES MOINES — Des Moines Area Community College President Rob Denson recently released the names of students eligible for the Fall Semester Dean’s List including Addison Burden (Criminal Justice-Transfer) and Lilly Houtakker (Pathway-Engineering/Manufacturing) from Solon.
To be eligible, a student must have completed a minimum of six credits and earned a 3.5 to 3.99 grade point average for that semester.
DMACC (Des Moines Area Community College) is one of America’s top-rated two-year institutions of higher learning. DMACC is dedicated to changing lives by offering an accessible, affordable and outstanding educational experience to students from across Iowa and the nation. Situated in one of the country’s most vibrant regions, DMACC is proud to welcome students of all ages, backgrounds and beliefs to a diverse and inclusive College community. DMACC offers 10 career pathways, which encompass more than 220 credit and non-credit programs, degrees and certificates available to students. Each year, DMACC serves approximately 55,000 students across the College’s six campuses and seven learning centers and through DMACC Online. Students from every state in the nation and 41 countries now attend DMACC. Our talented graduates excel in the workforce and in life. For more information, please visit