Contributed photo
SIS Alpha Club members pose with roughly a half-ton of donated food they collected for presentation to the Solon Community Food Pantry recently.
SOLON — The SIS Spartan Alpha Club, a group of 103 4th and 5th grade members of the Solon Junior Optimists at the Solon Intermediate School, recently concluded their winter service project. Sami McAtee, SIS staff sponsor, reports the Alpha Club participated in the Souper Bowl for Caring Event, a food drive held in conjunction with the recent Super Bowl national football championship game. The students collected 1,034 pounds of non-perishable food items (1,724 items) and $155 in monetary donations for the Solon Food Pantry.
“We were able to visit the Pantry to show the students what their donation means and how the Pantry works for residents in the town of Solon,” said McAtee. Denny Grueber, John McFarland, and Karen McFarland assist McAtee with the program.