I would like to draw attention to the issue of noise pollution, violation of the Solon City Ordinance and the responsibility of our City Council to address and enforce the noise control ordinance (law).
I have been a resident of Solon for 50 years. During the past several years, My wife and I have been battling the noise coming from the Truck Repair shop across from our residence. Specifically the semi allowed to park on the lot is permitted to let their semi unit cycle on and off throughout the day and night in violation of Parking Regulations 69.09. Specifically, Parking Regulation 69.09, paragraph 2. Noise. No such vehicle shall be left standing or parked upon any street, alley, public or private parking lot, or drive of any service station between the hours of ten o’clock (10:00) p.m. and six o’clock (6:00) a.m. with the engine, auxiliary engine, air compressor, refrigerating equipment or other device in operation giving off audible sounds excepting only the drive of a service station when actually being serviced, and then in no event for more than thirty (30) minutes.
The semi is not related to the business and is parked there solely because the owner is not allowed to park at his residence due to the noise his semi creates.
This issue has been reported to the Solon City Administrator, Solon Mayor and Johnson County Sheriff’s Offices and the State of Iowa Office of Ombudsman to seek resolution of the noise issue.
I hope that the concerned authorities will take necessary action against those responsible for noise pollution.
Robert Zeman.
Solon Resident since 1974.