Resolutions adopted by the Board of Supervisors are only summarized in the published minutes; the full text may be inspected at the Office of the County Auditor, 913 S. Dubuque Street, Iowa City, Mon. thru Fri., between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and at
Subject to approval by the Board of Supervisors at a subsequent meeting.
Chairperson Sullivan called the Johnson County Board of Supervisors to order in the Johnson County Health and Human Services Boardroom at 9:01 a.m. Members present: V Fixmer-Oraiz, Jon Green, Lisa Green-Douglass, Royceann Porter, and Rod Sullivan.
Unless otherwise noted, all actions were taken unanimously.
Mike Hampton spoke about his challenges with County permitting to construct a house on his property. Kyle Clare spoke against the proposed resolution denouncing County Attorney Rachel Zimmermann Smith’s prosecution of transgender demonstrators stemming from a protest last October. Dani Misyuk spoke about the constitutional right of American citizens to engage in protests.
RESOLUTION NO. 02-01-24-01
Summary: The Board acknowledges the events in Israel and the Palestinian Occupied Territories, now spilling into the greater Middle East, since 7 October 2023 as well as prior to that date. Disbursements of United States foreign aid, a portion of which is funded by Johnson County residents’ taxes, are governed by domestic and international law. An immediate ceasefire, return of those unlawfully detained and recommitment to a political, not martial, solution is the only durable and feasible path out of the present crisis. Board Action: Resolved that Johnson County calls for: 1) An immediate and permanent ceasefire in the Palestinian West Bank, Gaza, the State of Israel, and the Middle East, including but not limited to Hamas and Israel, and those regional militias and states that sponsor said militias; and 2) Express Congressional authorization of any military action in the region, including Bab-el-Mandeb (the Gate of Grief); and 3) Direct Congressional oversight of all military aid from the United States Government, especially the consistent application of humanitarian restrictions upon such aid; and, 4) The timely and safe return of all unlawfully detained by any party; and, 5) The immediate and unconditional provision of humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza; and, 6) A multinational strategy for the rebuilding of Gaza and the safe return of all displaced Palestinians; and, 7) The protection of our First Amendment rights to protest, to criticize government, while affirming the criticism of the governments of Israel and Palestine is not inherently anti-Semitic or anti-Arab; and, 8) A commitment to fight antisemitism, Islamophobia, and bigotry toward Palestinians, Arabs, and Israelis in all forms. The Auditor is authorized and directed to publish this resolution in the usual manner but also to cause a copy of this resolution to be delivered to: 1) Johnson County’s delegation to the Iowa House and Iowa Senate; 2) The Speaker of the Iowa House of Representatives; 3) The President of the Iowa Senate; 4) Johnson County’s U.S. Congressional Representative; and 5) Iowa’s US Senators; and 6) The Speaker of the House of Representatives; and 7) The President of the Senate; and 8) The President of the United States. Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Green, to amend item number one after paragraph five of the resolution, by inserting the following after the word ceasefire: “in the Palestinian West Bank, Gaza, the State of Israel, and…”. Aye: Green, Fixmer-Oraiz, Sullivan; Nay: Green-Douglass, Porter. Motion by Green-Douglass, second by Porter, to approve Resolution No. 02-01-24-02 effective February 1, 2024.
Motion by Green, second by Green-Douglass, to approve the claims on the Auditor’s Claim Register for February 1, 2024.
611 N Johnson Llc 700.00
Abbe Center For Comm 16911.86
Abbehealth Inc 32336.35
Action Sewer & Septic 165.00
Advance Builders Corp 1175.69
Advancement Services 7464.36
Aero Rental Inc 462.62
Affordable Housing Net 550.00
Aging Services Dba Pat 463.48
Alicia Sachtjen 120.00
Amazon.Com Capital Se 2680.07
Angela M Mulcahy 120.00
Annette F Martin 290.00
Applied Concepts Inc 3530.00
Arc Of East Central I 3890.97
Aspen Ventures Llc 750.00
B & H Photo-Video 287.56
Believable Partners 850.00
Big Brothers Big Sist 7193.52
Blair & Fitzsimmons Pc 116.80
Buchanan County Sheriff 91.68
Cdw Government Inc 626.62
Cedar Valley Communit 8100.00
Cedar Valley Ranch I 54347.95
Center For Worker Ju 11150.18
Central Iowa Detention 547.75
Century Laundry Distrib 41.48
Certified Laboratories 229.86
Chad Bolen 251.00
Charles Heath 1415.00
Charles Saxon 500.00
Charm-Tex Inc 1326.78
Charter Communications 50.00
Chelsea Owens 125.00
Chi Penn Oaks Lllp 1600.00
City Laundering Co 172.86
City Of Coralville 45247.75
City Of Iowa City 13167.42
City Of Iowa City – U 2496.48
City Of Iowa City-Ac 50768.49
City Of Swisher Swis 9398.50
Coffelt & Zwick Holdin 700.00
Community Crisis Ser 91674.17
Community Crisis Serv 6064.28
Consumers Cooperativ 25328.87
Coralville Housing Gro 750.00
Cove Equipment 48200.76
Cozy Corner Adult Day 2553.20
Cr Care Pharmacy 3803.30
Crest Services 6241.11
Custom Hose & Supplies 441.47
Custom Rentals Llc 850.00
Dans Overhead Doors 1725.58
Darrell E Davis Adult 997.12
Deery Brothers Ford 13475.10
Delaware County Sherif 515.27
Delta Dental Of Iowa 5792.49
Dennis Lock C/O Westwi 700.00
Dlouhy Law Pc 432.00
Dominic Pernetti 89.00
Douglas J Mattes 800.00
Dream City 2799.13
Dubuque County Sherif 5110.00
Emerson Point Apartmen 585.00
Emily E Fitzpatrick 78.45
Evergreen Estates 857.63
Eversull Square Lc 512.50
Families Inc 4973.13
Fareway Stores Inc 77.30
First Judicial Distr 21459.15
Foundation 2 157261.29
Galls Llc 531.12
Gary Boseneiler 160.44
Gaslight Village Llc 525.00
Gatr Truck Center 139.38
Gay & Ciha Funeral Ho 2200.00
Goodwill Industries O 7400.98
Greater Ic Housing Fe 1600.00
Greater Iowa City In 21250.00
Guardians Of Ne Iowa 2250.00
Hacap 54466.91
Handicare Inc 1333.34
Heartland Shredding In 180.00
Heidi L Krafka 142.35
Henry Schein 307.47
Hillcrest Family Se 140232.27
Holiday Mobile Home Co 350.00
Holly Jean Rushford 99.50
Horizons A Family Serv 500.25
Hospers & Brother Print 63.12
Hy Vee Pharmacy #1 #105 53.97
Hy-Vee #1281 69.44
Hy-Vee Inc 182.44
Ihs Pharmacy 1536.29
Imagine The Possibilit 317.68
Imon Communications Ll 800.00
Impact7g Inc 6013.46
Inclusion Connection I 390.33
Ines Beltre 254.34
Inside Out Reentry Inc 500.00
Integrated Telehealt 14472.93
Iowa City Mhp Llc 975.00
Iowa County Recorders 109.40
Iowa Division Of Labor 440.00
Iowa Medicaid Enterp 32841.88
Iowa Northland Region 3704.00
Iowa Paper Inc 406.93
Iowa State Prison Indu 690.00
Iowa State Sheriffs’ & 125.00
Iowa Valley Rc&D 9789.50
Iowa Weed Commissioner 454.00
Isac 210.00
J Harding Inc 6992.50
James Pepper 160.00
Janus Investments Llc 850.00
Jason Allen 1166.00
Jennifer Day 45.20
Jill Heims 180.00
Joanne Gladden C/O Nes 850.00
Joe Shurson 36.35
John Deere Financial F 239.13
Johnson County Seats 9411.91
Johnson County Sherif 6592.01
Joint Emergency Communi 70.07
Jones & Bartlett Learni 69.71
Jones County Jets 1627.02
Joo Yeon Lee 350.40
Joshua F Busard 268.65
Jpn Real Estate Group 675.00
Jz Orchard Holdings Ll 750.00
Kate Moreland Consult 2650.00
Keokuk County Sheriff 41.00
Kimball Midwest 1829.15
Kmb Property Manageme 1525.00
Koch Office Group 3471.68
Kritzia Rodriguez 500.00
Ks Properties Llc 1550.00
Kyle Yoder 120.00
Lagrange Pharmacy Inc 642.45
Law Offices Of Jeffrey 955.40
Lepic Rentals Llc 850.00
Liberty Oaks Lp Dba Pe 805.00
Linde Gas & Equipment 104.76
Lindeman Law 1485.00
Linder Tire Service Inc 79.00
Linn County Access C 93881.04
Linn County Auditor 3913.82
Linn County Sheriff 9935.25
Ll Pelling Co Inc 108.48
Mac Real Estate Llc 2100.00
Martin Equipment Of I 3376.87
Martin R Gaffey 700.00
Mary J Thomasson 20.00
Matt Kvistberg 167.48
Mechanical Service 10210.00
Medical Associates Cl 1974.50
Menards – Iowa City 648.23
Meredith A Malloy 511.50
Meridian People Deve 28800.00
Mid American Energy 22523.53
Mid River Marine Serv 1000.00
Midwest Translation Ll 360.00
Midwestone Bank 21750.77
Montclair Park Cooper 1500.00
Mount Pleasant Home 592.00
Mutual Wheel Company 329.80
Nami Dubuque 7300.00
Nami Of Johnson Count 3800.00
Neighborhood Centers 38351.89
Neil Bombei 89.00
Nest Property Manageme 800.00
Nick Olberding 500.00
Night Owl Support Syst 285.00
North Iowa Juvenile Det 74.00
North Liberty Commun 21430.00
Northwest Iowa Assesso 275.00
Office Express Office 967.69
Old Capitol Screen Pr 1036.44
Om Home Llc 150.00
Opn Inc Dba Opn Arch 11624.92
Optimae Lifeservices 56591.18
Ottsen Oil Co 1627.85
Oxford Public Library 2924.50
Pace Property Managem 1400.00
Petty Cash Fund 13.24
Pigott Inc 2137.50
Pitney Bowes Global Fi 171.99
Pitney Bowes Inc 48.95
Pitney Bowes Reserve 2500.00
Pride Group Inc 10307.92
Propac 6550.79
Prosecuting Attorneys 440.00
Psc Distribution 36.89
Quadient Leasing Usa I 447.00
Quality Home Repair Ll 650.00
R J Longmuir 487.45
Rapids Reproductions 1296.29
Reece Hoffman 202.00
Rem Developmental Serv 294.30
Reynolds & Kenline Llp 233.60
Ricoh Usa Inc 249.79
Robert B Fischer Law F 252.00
Robert Half Technology 730.28
Rural Employment Alte 4810.70
Scott Rentals Llc 700.00
Shirley Starr 500.00
Sixth Judicial Distr 31261.12
Skid Pro Attachments 11965.00
Solon Economist 55.00
Solon Public Library 15045.25
Southgate Property Man 850.00
Spire Property Manage 2375.00
Spok Inc 62.02
Staples Advantage 1068.07
Stelter Enterprises L 2150.00
Streichers 126.00
Stryker Medical 498.68
Successful Living 2691.41
Sunrise Village Llc 558.00
Swift Law Firm 225.36
Symmetry Health Llc 1703.52
Systems Unlimited Inc 2444.46
The James Gang Dba An 8039.05
The Lodge Apartments 3600.00
The Mane Gate Llc Dba: 700.00
To The Rescue 48948.38
Tom Van Buer 180.00
Tony Gray Dba D & R Pe 100.00
Towncrest Pharmacy 13.93
Treasurer State Of Io 2343.78
Tyler F Schneider 202.00
Unesco City Of Litera 5000.00
United Action For Yo 17474.85
United States Postal 10000.00
University Of Iowa 1400.83
University Of Iowa Ho 2025.87
Unlimited Services In 7569.22
Us Cellular 999.83
Van Meter Industrial I 598.09
Verizon Wireless 286.10
Vesper Iowa City Llc 499.00
Visa 2482.02
Wellmark Blue Cross 175000.00
Whispering Garden Iha 850.00
Will Trunnell 192.55
Willis Dady Emergency 924.00
Motion by Green-Douglass, second by Fixmer-Oraiz, to approve the minutes of the Formal Meeting of January 25, 2024.
Motion by Green-Douglass, second by Green, to approve the payroll authorizations submitted by department heads and elected officials, as approved by a majority of the Supervisors.
Motion by Green-Douglass, second by Fixmer-Oraiz, to approve the application for Alcohol License for Saddleback Ridge Golf Course and Driving Range, as contained in the agenda packet for this meeting.
RESOLUTION NO. 02-01-24-02
Summary: Application PZC-23-28355, the final plat of Rapid Creek Estates Part Two, Johnson County, is submitted for approval. Board Action: Approved the plat, directed the plat and Subdivider’s Agreement be signed, and named the documents to be recorded. Motion by Green, second by Green-Douglass, to approve Resolution No. 02-01-24-02 effective February 1, 2024.
Motion by Green-Douglass, second by Fixmer-Oraiz, to appoint Joseph Wilensky to the Compensation Commission for a one-year term ending December 31, 2024.
Motion by Green, second by Green-Douglass, to increase the maximum amount/percentage of individual tuition covered by the Infant and Toddler Scholarships, funded by the American Rescue Plan Act.
Hearing no objections from Board members, Sullivan stated agenda item F.1.d Consider Resolution for Fiscal Year 2024 Appropriation Changes to Secondary Roads (Dept. 49) and American Rescue Plan Act (Dept. 35) be deferred to the next Formal Meeting scheduled on February 8, 2024, as requested by the County Attorney’s Office.
Motion by Porter, second by Green-Douglass, to approve the new job description for the position of Social Services Community Program Aid, effective February 1, 2024.
Motion by Porter, second by Green-Douglass, to approve the new job description for the position of Social Services Community Program Aid – Front Desk, effective February 1, 2024.
Motion by Green, second by Green-Douglass, to approve the revised job description for the position of Ambulance Department Lead Medic / EMT, effective February 1, 2024
Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Porter, to approve the letter to the United States Department of Agriculture regarding summer Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) for children, as contained in the agenda packet of this meeting.
Adjourned at 9:34 a.m.
/s/ Rod Sullivan, Chair, Board of Supervisors
/s/ Attest: Travis Weipert, Auditor
On the 8th day of February, 2024
Recorded by Auditor’s Office: Marly Melsh, Executive Clerk to the Board
These minutes were sent for formal approval and publication on February 8, 2024.