Years ago, when I was a senior at the University of Iowa, I remember writing in job applications that my career goal was to become a newspaper publisher.
I never imagined what that would look like today.
I’m proud to introduce myself as the new publisher of the Solon Economist and Mount Vernon-Lisbon Sun. Last week, it was announced that The Daily Iowan, where I’ve been the publisher for seven years, purchased the two community newspapers from Woodward Communications. The Daily Iowan is the nationally recognized student newspaper in Iowa City and owned by the non-profit corporation Student Publications, Inc.
First, and most importantly, there are no changes to the Solon Economist’s current staff with operations continuing from the people who have been serving the readers and advertisers in Solon. Subscriptions will continue uninterrupted, and it will remain as a weekly print publication distributed by mail on Thursdays.
We plan to build on the good work being done at this newspaper – and believe we can provide a stable and sustainable operational model for its long-term success. This is an important and strategic venture for the Daily Iowan.
Moving forward, we will increase resources and support in Solon and Mount Vernon. The newspapers will be jointly operated with the University of Iowa’s School of Journalism and Mass Communication, providing student journalists an opportunity to contribute to the publications and gain valuable experience in local reporting. The papers’ local editors will continue to lead the editorial direction – they know their community best.
As you’ve probably noticed, one of our first steps was a refresh to the design and aesthetic of the print edition. Over the next several months, we look forward to enhancing the newspaper’s digital presence, adding reporting interns, and boosting coverage of local news and Spartan athletics.
Significant changes will not happen immediately, so we ask for your patience and understanding. As we go through this transition, there are sure to be bumps along the way. Our hope is that you will see the value that the Daily Iowan – with support from student journalists – brings to Solon and our approach to community journalism.
This new endeavor has special meaning for me. I grew up in Iowa City, and I’ve lived and worked in Eastern Iowa my entire life. I’m raising my family here. We have family and friends in the Solon and Mount Vernon areas. I’ve covered high school sports in both communities when I was a correspondent with The Gazette in Cedar Rapids.
Thank you for being a subscriber, advertiser, loyal reader or supporter of the Solon Economist. If you have any questions, ideas or feedback, you can contact me directly by emailing me at [email protected] or by calling 319-335-5788.
Community newspapers are important. The Solon Economist is important. We are committed to Solon, and we are excited to rise to this new challenge.