DES MOINES – Secretary of State Paul Pate has announced that post-election audits have been successfully completed in all 99 counties. Once again, the post-election audits matched the machine count 100% in all counties.
On the Wednesday following Election Day, the post-election audits process was initiated in each of Iowa’s 99 counties to ensure the integrity of the vote. One randomly chosen precinct in each county conducted a hand count of ballots. Totals are then compared to the machine count to verify its accuracy.
“With the completion of these post-election audits, we are continuing the trend of safe, secure, and accurate elections in Iowa,” said Secretary Pate. “It is vital that we ensure election integrity in every corner of the state. This does not come without hard work from county election officials, poll workers, and my staff, who each make up a critical layer of election security.”
Machines in each county also undergo public pre-election testing. Prior to each election, pre-testing of election equipment is open to the public, and representatives of each political party are also invited to attend.
Iowa integrates multiple layers of election security: paper ballots, local poll workers and election officials, pre-testing of voting machines, cybersecure voting machines and protective measures, and, of course, post-election audits.