Graduating high school seniors, here may be a way that you can turn that winter break into college funding. You can spend a few minutes filling out a scholarship application, and in return, have the possibility of receiving a scholarship. It is that time of year!
The Iowa General Federation of Women’s Clubs, GFWC/Iowa, is the proud sponsor of a scholarship program that is unique to the state of Iowa. Each year, thousands of dollars are given to graduating high school seniors who will attend post-secondary schools. Scholarship awards will be based on achievement, volunteerism, and in some cases, field of study. Unless specified, both male and female students are eligible. Scholarships range in value from $500 to $1000. Most of the scholarships are given with the expectation that the student will be attending a community college, vocational tech school or four- year college located in Iowa.
Additional designated scholarships will be awarded for those studying music and law. GFWC club members are also eligible to apply for a $500 Club Women Scholarship to be used toward college and grad classes, in-service education, or professional licensure.
Please request a packet as soon as possible as letters of reference will need to be enclosed with the application packet. Scholarship packets are available at the Solon High School, in the Guidance Counselor’s office, or can be requested from Karen Martinek. Email request to: [email protected]. All applications need to be postmarked on or before February 1st.
GFWC/Iowa Scholarships available- application deadline February 1
December 14, 2023