COVID-19 Information The updates 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccines are now available to better protect you against the most common variants of the virus circulating now. Medicare covers the COVID-19 vaccine at no cost to you. The CDC recommends that everyone ages six months and older get the updated 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccine to protect against serious illness. Protection from previous vaccination or infection weakens over time, so it is important to get the updated COVID-19 vaccine now to stay protected.
Free COVID tests – Every U.S. household can order four more COVID-19 at-home tests, shipped directly to your home at no cost. Visit to place your order.
Medicare Open Enrollment You can enroll in Medicare health and drug plans from October 15-December 7. Get ready for Medicare’s Open Enrollment with these five tips:
Check your mail – You may get important notices from Medicare or Social Security. If you’re in a Medicare plan, you’ll get an Annual Notice of Changes (ANOC) telling you of any changes in coverage, costs, or service area. Note any 2024 changes to your health coverage or any extra help you may get to pay for prescription drugs.
You may also get brochures and other marketing materials from insurance companies that offer Medicare health and prescription drug plans. Remember, plans aren’t allowed to call or come to your home without an invitation from you.
Think about your Medicare coverage needs for 2024 – Carefully review your current Medicare coverage and note any upcoming changes to your costs or benefits. Decide if your current Medicare coverage will meet your needs for the year ahead. If you like your current coverage, and it’s still available for 2023, you don’t need to take any action to keep it.
Review your 2024 “Medicare & You” handbook (available at — It has information about Medicare coverage and Medicare plans in your area. If you want to get your handbook electronically, you can go paperless by logging into (or creating) your secure Medicare account at
Preview 2024 health and prescription drug plans (at — The government makes it easy to compare coverage options and shop for health plans. For a personalized search, log in or create an account (if you have a Medicare Number) to create or access a list of your drugs, compare your current Medicare plan to others, and see prices based on any help you get with drug costs.
Chair Yoga: Mondays 12:30 p.m. and Wednesdays 10:00 a.m. (Coffee 9-10:00 a.m. Wednesdays too) Come join the FREE class at the Solon Public Library and feel stronger, more balanced, and flexible. Better balance can prevent falls!
People of all ages can benefit from chair yoga, come try it out! Call Jill at 319-624-2773 for questions.
Solon Community Center Activities Yoga – Tuesdays 6-7:00 p.m. Call the Solon Community Center, 319-624-2499, for dates/times of the next session.
Zumba – Tuesdays and Thursdays 9-10:00 a.m. at the Community Center. Cost $1, but ON HOLD until 2024.
For full details on Community Center activities and schedules go to or call 319-624-2499. Also look for weekly recreation updates in the Solon Economist.
Fall Leaf Pick-Up
City of Solon residents can rake fallen leaves to the curb (not into the street) by 7:30 a.m. for pick up by the City’s Public Works Department Mondays from mid-October through November.
Brush Pick-Up City of Solon residents can neatly place brush no larger than eight-inches in diameter and no longer than 15-feet in length at the curb (not into the street) for pick up by the City’s Public Works Department the first Monday of the month April through November.
Leaves, yard waste, and brush can also be dropped off by residents behind the Public Works building at 1031 Stinocher St. in designated bins.