SOLON — The annual Scouting for Food campaign wraps up this Saturday, October 28.
This year Cub Scout Pack 120 has asked Scout Troop 120 to join forces to fill Solon’s Food Pantry.
The Scouts will be out and about Saturday between 9:00 a.m.-noon to collect non-perishable donations, which should be placed in bags and set out by front doors (before 9:00 a.m.).
All donations go directly to the Solon Food Pantry (located at the Solon United Methodist Church).
The biggest needs at the Pantry are: canned chicken or tuna, cereal, canned soups (vegetable, vegetable beef, mushroom, and bean), ramen noodle soup, canned vegetables (other than green beans and corn), and toilet paper.
If you live in an area the Scouts aren’t able to get to and would like to donate you can:
• Drop donations off directly at the Solon United Methodist Church’s donations box.
• Call or text Ann Arthur (Committee Chair, Cub Scout Pack 120) at 402-206-4083 for Friday evening pick-up.
• Place donations in the donations box at Sam’s Main Street Market.