Student lunch prices
High School — $2.70
Middle School — $2.60
SIS/Lakeview — $2.55
Reduced — $.40
Adult/Guest breakfast: $1.75. lunch $4.85
All grains are Whole Grain, Local apples from Buffalo Ridge, local produce from Kroul Farms
Menus will vary to accommodate the Federal Nutrition Guidelines
Please understand that menus are subject to change as needed.
Please check your lunch account balances, purchases, and deposits online at
Nutrition office: 319-624-3401, Ext. 1120 or [email protected]
Friday, October 13
MS/HS alt.: Cook’s Delight
Chicken Fillet Sandwich
Cauliflower & Cheese, Pickles, Carrots, & Hummus
Baked Potato Chips SC (SIS/MS/HS)
Monday, October 16
MS/HS alt.: Grilled BBQ Rib
French Fries, Tomatoes Sliced
Pickles, Delicious Romaine Lettuce
Applesauce Cup, Fruit Roll-Up
Tuesday, October 17
MS/HS alt.: Spartan Cheese Bread
Chicken Fajitas, Tortilla Shell
Romaine, Cheese, Salsa, Corn
Tortilla Chips, Fruit Slushy
Stir Fry Veg. (HS), Bananas (MS/HS)
Wednesday, October 18
MS/HS alt.: Pork Tenderloin Sandwich
French Toast Sticks & Syrup
Egg & Cheese Omelet, Hash Browns
Cucumber, Fresh Strawberries
Chocolate Chip Muffin (SIS/MS/HS)
Thursday, October 19
MS/HS alt.: Cheese Bites
Chicken Tenders (LV/SIS)
Chicken Wings & Sauce (MS/HS)
Peas & Carrots, Celery & Carrot with Ranch
Chilled Pears
Biscuit with Butter Patty, Sunchips (HS)
Friday, October 20
MS/HS alt.: Cook’s Delight
Mac & Cheese, Little Smokies
Caesar Salad, Green Beans (MS/HS)
Crisp Broccoli & Hummus
Pineapple Chunks