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Norm Ziskovsky recently delivered 63 packages of ground pork to the Solon Community Food Pantry on behalf of the Johnson County Farm Bureau.
SOLON — The Solon Food Pantry relies on the support of the community and recently benefited from the time and generosity of others.
The Pantry received 63 packages of ground pork donated by the Johnson County Farm Bureau and delivered by Norm Ziskovsky.
Also, the GFWC/Iowa Solon Women’s Club (General Federation of Women’s Clubs) spent Saturday, Sept. 30 thoroughly cleaning the Pantry in fulfilling a day of service to end food insecurity (a national level GFWC promotion). Members Eileen Hageman, Emmie Kroul, Mary Cash, and Sandy Phillips cleaned and straightened a dozen shelving units and three refrigerators.
The Pantry is located in the basement of the Solon United Methodist Church at 122 N. West Street and is open for donations Mondays 9-10:00 a.m., and to clients Mondays 2-6:00 p.m. Mondays. A drop off box for non-perishable donations is located outside the pantry door. Additionally, donations can be dropped off at the Solon Public Library during regular hours. The Pantry is in need of Mandarin oranges, canned tuna and chicken, pasta sauces, Ramen noodles, chunky soups, peanut butter, canned fruit, kids cereal, and toilet paper.
For more information call 319-430-8655