Solon Trick or Treat Night Oct. 31 5-7 p.m.
Trick or Treating is Solon will be held from 5:00-7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 31. Please leave your outside lights on to welcome all those cute & spooky!
Burn Ordinance
Burning is allowed on Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays April 1 through May 25 and October 1 through Nov. 25 from 7:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Landscape waste only.
Fall Leaf Pickup Solon Public Works will begin fall leaf pickup on Mondays beginning in mid-October.
Water Bill Dropbox Locations Inside Sam’s Main Street Market – on wall by exit door
Drive through drop box next to the ATM in the Bridge Bank drive-through
Drive through drop box between the City Hall and Fire Station.
Online payments and Auto Withdrawal also available.
City Hall Hours 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. & 1:00-4:00 p.m. M, T, Th, F
8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. & 1:00-5:00 p.m. W
Email: [email protected] Phone: 319-624-3755 Website:
City Administrator addresses Senior Dining City Administrator Cami Rasmussen delivered her monthly update on city happenings at Solon Senior Dining Wednesday, Sept. 27.
Kleppe celebrates 25 years
Public Works Director/Assistant City Administrator Scott Kleppe celebrated his 25th anniversary with the City of Solon September 28. That equates to 25 years of being On Call 24/7! The world of public works is one of many hours of water main breaks, storm clean up, snowstorms and more. The demands on a city Public Works department are high, and also for their families. We are fortunate to take for granted the clean water coming out of our faucets, that our toilets flush, get to enjoy well-kept parks, and plowed streets after a snowstorm. A special recognition is planned for Scott at the October 4 city council meeting at 5:30 at Solon City Hall.
Kleppe, with Utilities Specialist Dave Richards and City Engineer Dave Schechinger, attended a conference in Chicago this week to learn more about the latest trends in wastewater plant technology and construction, which will help in planning the new wastewater treatment plant.
Watermain project update The Chabal and Elm Street Watermain Project is going well, and we appreciate everyone’s patience that lives along Elm Street as this is where much of the project work is happening.
Rasmussen attends Iowa League of Cities Conference Rasmussen recently attended the Iowa League of Cities Annual Conference in Cedar Rapids, which is the biggest conference in Iowa for city staff and elected officials. Several training sessions are offered during the three-day conference, and she attended some that focused on telling the story of your community.
“Many times, we think about our community story from a project perspective, yet we also have a community story that brings people to our community, make them feel at home and keeps them rooted in our community. Senior Dining is a shining example and an important part of Solon’s story,” she said.