A tip of the hat and thank you!
Thank you, Senior Dining volunteers!
The reason volunteers aren’t paid is not because they are worthless, but because they are PRICELESS.
Special THANKS to our 2023
Solon Senior Dining Sponsors
Your continuing support is invaluable to our program!
Solon American Legion/Denny Hansen
Wehrheim Group
South Slope Cooperative Communications
Karen McFarland-Miller
Solon American Legion Auxiliary
Sam’s Main Street Market
Steve and Barb Duncan
Mercy Family Medicine
Rick Jedlicka
Steve Hirl -Solon American Legion
Jay Proffitt Construction, Inc.
Ruzicka’s Meat Processing
Bridge Bank
September happenings
Wednesdays and Fridays ONLY in-house dining.
Home deliveries Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
Reservations required, call 319-624-2251 Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Meals $4.00
Bingo before and after lunch Wednesdays and Fridays, cards after lunch
Friday, Sept. 29 – Meal and Movie (M&M), reservations required, 319-430-8655
September Menu
Friday, Sept. 29 – Tilapia w/dill sauce, mini-baked potatoes, seasonal vegetables, strawberry shortcake. Meal and Movie, call 319-430-8655 for reservation.
Solon Senior Dining
September 28, 2023