VINTON — Solon’s Madison Craig and Allison Mackin were among more than 600 individuals and groups recognized for their volunteer service during the Governor’s Volunteer Awards. Craig and Mackin were honored Tuesday, June 6 in the East Central Region ceremony at the Iowa Braille School in Vinton.
Madison Craig is the first Iowa youth to be appointed by Governor Reynolds to serve as a Volunteer Iowa Commissioner, has served almost 900 volunteer hours, and serves on the Iowa 4-H Foundation as a Youth Trustee. In addition, she serves in volunteer office on the Central College campus.
Allison Mackin serves on various committees and in other volunteer efforts including as a volunteer representative at DVIP (Domestic Violence Intervention Program), the Willis Dady Homeless Services in Cedar Rapids, and the Mississippi Regional Blood Bank. Mackin is also an active member of the Hawkeye Chapter of 100+ Women Who Care and the Crowded Closet Thrift Shop (providing relief efforts through the Mennonite Central Committee) in Iowa City.
The Iowa Governor’s Awards, now in its 39th year, provides an easy way for Iowa nonprofits, charitable organizations, and government entities to honor their volunteers with a prestigious, state-level award. More than 600 awards were presented by Governor Kim Reynolds and Lt. Governor Adam Gregg during five regional ceremonies across Iowa with at least 150 communities in Iowa represented by this year’s honorees.
Madison Craig and Allison Mackin receive Governor’s Volunteer Awards
June 21, 2023
Governor Kim Reynolds presented awards for volunteer service to Madison Craig and Allison Mackin Tuesday, June 6 at the Iowa Braille School in Vinton. The two were among more than 600 volunteers statewide recognized with the Governor’s Volunteer Awards.