June Happenings
Friday, June 16 – Flag Day honors, Legion Color Guard/flag folding demonstration
Friday, June 30 – Meal and a Movie (M&M), “Movin’ On” staring Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin.
Arrive at 11:00, dine at 11:30. Meal cost $4.00.
Call 319-624-2251 Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10:00 a.m.-Noon to order or cancel a meal.
June Menu
Friday, June 16 – Tilapia w/ dill sauce, mini baked potatoes, seasonal vegetable, strawberry shortcake. Flag Day theme
Monday, June 19 – Baked Reuben casserole, potato salad, white chocolate raspberry cheesecake
Wednesday, June 21 – Pork loin w/ sauce, O’Brien potatoes, Cascade vegetables, strawberry rhubarb bar
Friday, June 23 – Brisket chili, cheddar biscuit, sweet pepper slaw, fresh fruit cup
Monday, June 26 – Bratwurst burger, potato salad, baked beans, cookie & cream brownie
Wednesday, June 28 – Smokehouse maple pork loin, baked sweet potato, peas, fruit crisp
Friday, June 30 – Battered rock fish, cheddar corn casserole, broccoli, cherry crunch. Meal & Movie.
Solon Senior Dining
June 14, 2023