CEDAR RAPIDS — Carol Richards is looking for people with a servant’s heart.
“I am trying to spearhead volunteers from Solon (youth or adults) to sign up for Matthew 25’s eighth annual Transform Week (June 26-30),” Richards said. Matthew 25 was founded in Cedar Rapids in 2006 by brothers Clint Twedt-Ball and Courtney Ball, both United Methodist pastors, with a desire to work to improve economically marginalized communities. In 2008 the organization responded to the historic flooding in Cedar Rapids, which inundated more than ten square miles of the city and led to the eventual demolition of over 1,200 homes. However, the organization was able to work with residents, volunteers, and contracted labor to help more than 250 residents on 25 city blocks recover from the flood and restore and renovate their homes.
Transform Week was started in 2016 as a program to match homeowners’ challenges with basic maintenance with skilled volunteers. Among the projects slated to be tackled this year are yard cleanup, fence repairs, porch or garage painting, window and door replacement, installing new gutters and downspouts, porch repair or carpentry work, and mulching, planting, or enhancing a public space (all in Cedar Rapids).
“We would meet together each morning first at Solon United Methodist Church,” Richards said. “A light breakfast will be served and then we can carpool together to serve those in need.” She added it is an opportunity for people to help others and unite together for a common good under the organization of Matthew 25. “Those volunteering can join the SOLON SERVANTS team,” she said noting Solon High School students pursuing hours toward the Silver Cord volunteer award should go to their Silver Cord Google Classroom account through the school.
To volunteer or learn more about the projects, she can be reached at 319-541-1424.
For more information on Matthew 25 see their website at www.matthew-25.org.
Volunteers wanted!
June 7, 2023