SOLON — Even if you don’t know him, you’ve surely heard his voice either at Solon High School football, basketball, or softball games, or emceeing the annual Beef Days Parade as he calls out the passing floats. If you are part of a non-profit group in Solon, he may very well have handed someone in your organization a check.
He’s Don Ellis, the Voice of the Spartans, and the recipient of The Solon Senior Advocates’ Solon Senior Citizen of the Year Award.
Ellis received his plaque at the May 17 City Council meeting as part of Senior Citizens Month.
He was Treasurer of the Solon Area Community Foundation for 43 years and recently retired from the Solon State Bank after 47 years.
“So, four years into moving to Solon, he joined an organization that is still in existence and doing wonderful things for the community of Solon,” said Larry Meister, representing the Solon Senior Advocates. “He’s also been the Treasurer of Beef Days. And, if you look at the committees we have, the treasurer seems to be the one who does all the work. Not that the others don’t, but when you look at the pages of stuff that comes from being the treasurer, and the bills that have to be paid, and the things he has to write; it’s just a tough job,” Meister said. “The cross-section of all the things he’s done for the students, for the community over the years is truly amazing. He retired (from the bank) on May 1st and the first thing he told me was, ‘I’m not giving up on all the jobs that I do as far as announcing,’ and other things that he’s involved in. It’s something that he loves doing, he’s a person who truly loves Solon, and we’re just really proud of him.”
“I’m very humbled and proud to be here,” Ellis said. “I spent 21 years in Cedar Rapids, I’ve now been in Solon for 48, I’m 69 years old, and I wouldn’t trade a minute of it for the time that I’ve been in Solon. I love this town, love this community. To be honored as a Senior of the Year when I look across and see Pat Ikan and Sandy Hanson, Phyllis Fiala, Larry Meister, it’s a true honor and I’m thrilled to be in the same company as some of the 24 that have preceded me.”
Reception next month
There will be a reception for Don Ellis Saturday, June 24 from 2-4:00 p.m. at the Solon Public Library.
Don Ellis named Solon Senior Citizen of the Year
May 24, 2023
Larry Meister (at left) presented the 2023 Solon Senior Citizen of the Year award to Don Ellis at the May 17 City Council meeting. Ellis will also be honored at an open house next month.
About the Contributor
Chris Umscheid, Editor
Chris Umscheid is the editor of the Solon Economist.