SOLON — Mother Nature was less kind than she was last year, but not as mean-spirited as she could’ve been Saturday morning for the annual Spartan Dash family fun run at the Solon Recreation and Nature Area (SRNA). The 11th event featured two new challenges in the form of a tire race, named “Beast Mode,” and a small maze. Back were favorites such as Tim Gordon’s (Gordon Lumber Co.) “Big Mouth” obstacle and the “Spartan Decontamination” where participants were liberally dusted with powdered chalk.
The Spartan Dash is a fundraiser for the Lakeview Elementary School and Solon Intermediate School (SIS) Parent-Teacher Organizations (PTO), said organizer Jill Schmidt.
“The funds raised through the Spartan Dash go directly back into the classrooms and help to pay for things like field trips and educational apps (used by the teachers).” The PTOs also disburse discretionary funds to the teachers, who have the opportunity to receive more for volunteering to help with the event.
“I want to thank all of the sponsors, we can’t make this event happen without you! Also, thank you to all of the volunteers that helped, I can’t make this work without them.”
Spartan Dash 2023
April 26, 2023
About the Contributor
Chris Umscheid, Editor
Chris Umscheid is the editor of the Solon Economist.