FY24 Budget Adoption
The City Council held a public hearing and approved the FY24 annual budget for fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. City Administrator Cami Rasmussen reported that the city staff have completed the required forms and are ready to submit by the April 30, 2023, deadline (extended from March 31 due to rollback change). The FY24 Budget can be found on the city website.
FY23 Third Quarter Financial Update
Finance Officer Roman Meyers updated the City Council on the fiscal year 3rd quarter revenues and expenses as of March 31, 2023. Revenues are in good standings on track with budget projections. Overall expenditures are also on a good pace at 65%. The fiscal year will end on June 30, 2023.
American Legion 3rd Annual Street Dance “Salute the Troops” May 13, 2023
The City Council approved a lease and road closure for the Solon American Legion’s 3rd Annual Street Dance on May 13, 2023.
Family Health Insurance Contribution
During FY24 budget discussion, the Personnel Committee recommended increasing the City contribution for family health care premiums from $300 to $375 to support the long-range goal for family health care to be more affordable and accessible to city employees. This increase was approved by the Council.
Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing Program
Public Works Director Scott Kleppe requested and Council approved city participation in Sourcewell Cooperative to allow access to procurement and contracts for city purchases stating there is no fee to participate and offers better purchasing opportunities through the partnership.
Siren/Disaster/Emergency Update
Scott Kleppe reported the siren test conducted on Friday, April 14 showed that all three sirens did go off and the frequency issue has been resolved. Lauren Whitehead expressed concern for the emergency siren being used as a timepiece for the noon and 5 p.m. and recommended the City follow Johnson County Emergency Management guidelines on using sirens only for emergencies. Solon resident Karen Jensen commented that the siren has been part of Solon history for over 50 years and that the siren serves as a clock for those who work outside. She also shared comments from neighbors who feel the siren is part of small-town charm.
The Council voted 3-2 to maintain the 13-second noon and 5 p.m. siren. Scott Kleppe reported that a portable generator is available for City Hall at $18,750 in response to discussion following the recent tornadoes. Council supported the possible purchase if funding was available in the current FY23 budget.