Storytime friends enjoyed a special visit on Tuesday, April 11 from the Solon Public Works Department. Stories were shared all about vehicles at work, and our friends were treated to close inspections of several public works vehicles.
Celebrate National Library Week with us, April 23-29. This year’s theme, “There’s More to the Story” highlights all that libraries do and provide to our communities. The library is more than just books! We’re proud to provide books, movies, computers, Wi-Fi, cake pans, puzzles, and so much more at the Solon Public Library. Programs like Storytime, Book Clubs, DIY Night, Chair Yoga, and Your Space are great examples of ways that libraries meet the needs of our community. We provide education, entertainment, and connections. With just a short list of collections and programs you can see why they say… There’s More to the Story!
Library Events
Thursday Early-Out Programs for K-12th grades continue through May 18. BAM POW activities are for K-5th grades from 1:45-2:45 p.m. where we Build And Make, Play Or Watch! CATS activities are for 6th-12th grades from 3:30-4:30 p.m. as our Creative, Amazing Teens of Solon enjoy group games, creative projects, and more. Thanks for joining us, friends!
Hone your Scrabble skills, prepare for a Cribbage match, or bring a favorite game to Game Night, Thursday, April 27 at 6:30 p.m. It’s a fun evening for adults and young adults (16+) to enjoy conversations and competitions.
If you enjoy a good brain teaser or a little friendly competition, then we have just the thing for you! Trivia Night is Friday, April 28 at 6:30 p.m. Teams (max of 6 members) compete in four rounds of trivia questions for prizes and bragging rights! Arrive early to get settled, share a snack, and the game will begin promptly at 6:30. Our Trivia is unlike any other — you can check out up to five books from the Library to use as references during play! Registration for this free event is required, visit our website calendar to complete this process.
Save the date! History of Ordinary Things: Powder, Lipstick, and Perfume on Tuesday, May 2 at Noon. Doris Montag shares her many collections using artifacts, history, and stories to create enjoyable moments reminiscing days gone by. Doris, a free-lance curator of collections of ordinary things, is a homespun humorist who narrates the collection’s history while entertaining listeners with her own stories.
Library Access
Regular Library hours are Monday-Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Friday-Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Closed Sundays.
Please note: the Library will be open from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Friday, April 28. Our monthly staff in-service will take place after close to allow staff to collaborate and plan for summer reading.
Don’t forget, the digital library is always available! Find an eBook, eAudiobook, magazines and more with Bridges, or with the Libby app on your favorite smart device. You can even stream classic films, discover new favorites, and more with Kanopy on your favorite smart device.
Everyone is welcome at the Library and our programs. Please contact us with access needs.
What’s New?
Discover a new release movie or tv series in our DVD Collection.
Belle. A high school student becomes a globally beloved singer after entering a fantastic virtual world. She soon embarks on an emotional and epic quest to uncover the identity of a mysterious beast who is on the run from ruthless vigilantes. Anime, rated PG.
Plane. Pilot Brodie Torrance (Gerard Butler) saves passengers from a lightning strike by making a risky landing on a war-torn island — only to find that surviving the landing was just the beginning. When dangerous rebels take most of the passengers hostage, the only person Torrance can count on for help is Louis Gaspare (Mike Colter), an accused murderer who was being transported by the FBI. Action/adventure, rated R.
Gaslit. A modern take on the 1970s political Watergate scandal centering on untold stories and forgotten characters of the time, starring Julia Roberts and Sean Penn. Complete miniseries, political thriller.
When you’re looking for more inspiration on movie night, take a look at Kanopy! Your Library card gives you access to this streaming service and a wide variety of titles.
Solon Public Library news
April 19, 2023

Kris Richardson, Solon Public Works, shows a friend how the controls work in the track loader.
Lily, Youth Services Librarian, helps friends into a dump truck.