SOLON — The Solon Optimist Club held its annual Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 8 at the Solon Recreation and Nature Area (SRNA).
Over 3,400 plastic eggs were distributed over the course of an hour, and snatched up in mere minutes.
The event, a longtime tradition in Solon, originated at Lake MacBride and used actual hard boiled and colored eggs, which were hidden. For at least 20 years the event has been held at the SRNA and real eggs (and the risk of food poisoning) has given way to plastic eggs with candy inside.
Optimist Club happenings
On Monday, April 17 the club will install new officers.
Also Monday, April 17, the Solon Intermediate School (SIS) Alpha Club will host a Bingo Night from 5:30-7:30 p.m. in the SIS gym as a fundraiser with all proceeds going to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Cost is $5 per card and participants are encouraged to wear purple in support of those with CF. There will be prizes and donations are welcome.
The Solon Optimists are believed to be the only Optimist Club in Iowa with three school-age chapters: the Alpha Club, Junior Optimists at the Middle School, and the Octagon Club at the High School.
For more photos, see page 12A.
Solon Optimist Club holds annual Easter Egg Hunt
April 13, 2023
About the Contributor
Chris Umscheid, Editor
Chris Umscheid is the editor of the Solon Economist.