High School — $2.70
Middle School — $2.60
Solon Intermediate/Lakeview — $2.55
Preschool — $2.50
Reduced — $.40
Adult/guest breakfast — $1.75, lunch $4.15
All grains are whole grain, local apples from Buffalo Ridge.
Menus will vary to accommodate the Federal Nutrition Guidelines.
Please understand that menus are subject to change as needed.
Nutrition office – 319-624-3401, ext. 1120. [email protected]
Friday, April 7
MS/HS alternative: Cook’s Delight
Stuffed crust cheese pizza
Sweet corn, crisp broccoli
Ranch (MS/HS)
Orange slices, Ranger cookie, peaches (HS)
Monday, April 10
MS/HS Alt: Crispito
Mozzarella cheese sticks, Marinara
Garlic knot, steamed cauliflower
Tossed salad & ranch, cucumbers
Diced peaches, Choodle cookie
Tuesday, April 11
MS/HS alternative: Pizza crunchers
Popcorn chicken, mashed potatoes
Sweet corn, chicken gravy, broccoli
Fruit salad
Strawberry yogurt (MS/HS), dinner roll (MS/HS)
Wednesday, April 12
MS/HS alternative: Corndog
Dinner roll, green beans, Hummus, & celery sticks
Simply Snack Chex Mix (HS)
Thursday, April 13
MS/HS alternative: Garlic & herb chicken sandwich
Pepperoni stuffed crust pizza
Colorful mixed vegetable, pepper strips
Strawberries & bananas
Cheez it’s
Friday, April 14
MS/HS alternative: Cook’s Delight
Chicken fillet sandwich
Shredded lettuce, pickles, carrots, & Hummus
Baked potato chips SC (SIS/MS/HS)
Solon Schools lunch menu
April 6, 2023