SOLON — What happens after the oh-so-brave prince slays the dragon, swash-buckles his way into the castle, saves the damsel-in-distress, and lives happily ever after? Prince Charming gets kidnapped!
This Saturday and Sunday, April 1 and 2, Solon High School’s Drama Dept. presents After Happily Ever After, by Amanda Burris, Julia Grove, and Lauren Ohler.
With the kingdom in panic, the dimwitted Squire Squdge (Josh Milliman) is determined to find Prince Charming (Jakob Bovenmyer) to prove his knightliness to the kingdom. With the help of Lulu, the unhygienic and less-than-ladylike town wench, the ever-eager duo team up to interrogate the notorious villains of the kingdom: Nork the Ogre, Rumple, the Wicked Witch and her two daughters.
But, even after the interrogations, Squdge and Lulu are no closer to finding Mr. Charming. After the unlikely (and very lucky) discovery of Prince Charming, the ultimate fight breaks out between our not-so-classic heroes and our timeless villains.
Featuring an angry mob in search of a witch and an on-going bet between our Storyteller (Liona Rocca), the story’s Fiend, and Rumple, only the cast of After Happily Ever After can make this new take so dazzling.
Cast and Crew
Storyteller – Liona Rocca
Fiend – Jamison Grimm
Squdge – Josh Milliman
Prince Charming – Jakob Bovenmyer
Sleeping Beauty – Isabella Miller
Snow White – Sabrina Allen
Cinderella – Ashley Hummel
Lulu – Kassie Rummel
Nork – Kardyn Huynh
Rumpel – Brady Evers
Dr. Fraud/Girl with donut – Reagan Seaton
Animals – Paige White
Wicky – Lucy Miller
Muffy – Cora Sutton
Buffy – Maria Milliman
Milly/Sweetums – Joli Sinnwell
Coffee Shop/Spare – Toby Kleinsmith
Dancing Girl/Twitch – Madisen Kleppe
Prisoner/Pyro – Ben Duckett
Mob 1/Lady 1/Memmie – Evann Freerks
Mob 2/Lady 2/Wee – Jordyn Dunbar
Mob 3/Lady 3/Buddy – Emi Scott
Mob – Abby Kramer
Mob – Jake Grimm
Costumes – Natalie Arthur, Lucy Miller, Isabella Miller, Olivia Bonnema
Spotlight – Zeb Kleinsmith, Sara Holtz
Stage Manager – Rayne Dooley, Jayden Merrick
Sound – Norah Fischer, Adlie Miller
Lightboard – CJ Tabor, Ben Hickman
Props – Jake Grimm, Jamison Grimm
Deck crew – Abby Kramer, Philip Miller, Paige White
The curtain goes up at 7:00 p.m. Saturday and 2:00 p.m. Sunday in the Center for Fine Arts Auditorium. Tickets, available at the door (cash), are $5 for 18 and under, and $10 for adults.
After Happily Ever After takes the stage this weekend
March 29, 2023
Deanna Kleinsmith • Contributed Photos
Prince Charming (Jakob Bovenmyer) is shown with Princesses Ashley Hummel, Sabrina Allen, and Isabella Miller during a rehearsal for the Solon HS production of After Happily Ever After, which takes the stage this weekend.
Liona Rocca is The Storyteller in Solon HS’s presentation of After Happily Ever After this weekend at the Center for the Fine Arts Auditorium.