Your child would love waking up Easter morning to a yard full of stuffed eggs! Members of the GFWC/Iowa Solon Women’s Club have organized an “Egg my Yard” fundraiser. Profits will go toward the installation of new lighting for a one-mile section of the trail in the Solon Recreation and Nature Area (SRNA). Having a well-lit path would promote safety and expand the hours of use for the trail.
Let our bunnies do the work for you!
Eggs will be stuffed with individually wrapped candy unless otherwise requested. Toys are available for those children (age 3 and older recommended) that might have food allergies. You can choose to pick up a box of stuffed eggs from the Solon Library Saturday, April 1, 9:00 a.m. to noon or to have the eggs delivered to your yard after 8:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 8. Deliveries will be completed before daylight. Delivery is available only in the Solon and Shueyville area and in associated developments.
Deadline to sign up for pick up or delivery is Thursday, March 30.
Costs are as follows:
Delivered, after 8:30 p.m. Saturday April 8
30 eggs for $25
50 eggs for $40
Picked up at the Solon Library Saturday, April 1
30 eggs for $22
50 eggs for $35
A personalized Easter Bunny letter is available for $5.00
Please text 319-551-4353 for additional information, or email [email protected]. This should be a fun way to add excitement to your Easter celebration and a wonderful fundraiser that benefits the Solon community.
As an add-on this year, you can nominate a family to receive an Egg My Yard delivery at no cost. Please use the email given previously for additional information.