High School — $2.70
Middle School — $2.60
Solon Intermediate/Lakeview — $2.55
Preschool — $2.50
Reduced — $.40
All grains are whole grain, local apples from Buffalo Ridge.
Please understand that menus are subject to change.
Friday, Feb. 17
MS/HS alternative: Cook’s Delight
Mac & Cheese, Little Smokies
Caesar salad, green beans (MS/HS)
Crisp broccoli & Hummus
Pineapple chunks
Monday, Feb. 20
Tuesday, Feb. 21
MS/HS alternative: Spicy chicken patty
Chicken patty on a bun
Creamy cauliflower and cheese
Shredded Romaine
Sweet Mandarin oranges, Snickerdoodle cookie
Wednesday, Feb. 22
MS/HS alternative: Chicken tenders
French toast w/syrup
Egg & cheese omelet, hash brown
Baby carrots, dip (MS/HS)
Strawberries & bananas, Yogurt
Thursday, Feb. 23
MS/HS alternative: Creamed Turkey, mashed potatoes & dinner roll
Sloppy Joe sandwich
Delicious baked beans, colored pepper spears
Watermelon cubes
Baked Lays chips
Friday, Feb. 24
MS/HS alternative: Cook’s Delight
Cheese pizza
Crinkle cut fries, tasty peas
Diced pears
Tiger Bites (SIS/MS/HS)