SOLON — It’s been about a year since I agreed to fill the empty Editor’s seat at the Solon Economist.
To say there has been a steep learning curve would be an understatement. We’ll spare you the “Woe is me” and get right to the point.
Possibly the biggest lesson learned has been, I can’t keep doing this alone. Thankfully Catherine Bilskie is doing a tremendous job as the Advertising Executive and “office” manager. However, on the editorial side of the operation, it’s Me, Myself, and I.
Recently, the Managing Editor for the Eastern Iowa Media Groups (North and South) approved the creation of a correspondent position for the Solon Economist.
This person, working as a “stringer,” would do pretty much what I was originally hired for back in the fall of 2008. Back then, Doug and Lori Lindner hired me to cover the Clear Creek Amana School District, city councils, and the occasional feature story (new business, personality, events, etc.). Now, I need somebody to cover the Solon Community School District (board meetings, “good news in the schools features”), City Council, and a feature story now and then.
Here’s what I’m looking for:
• Reliable – I need somebody who will do what they say they’re going to do, every time barring calamity.
• Honest – That should be self-explanatory.
• Fair and balanced – Whatever bias, it needs to not appear in a news story. If you want to write opinion pieces, send it to me for the opinion page.
• Available – If you tell me you can cover school board meetings, and then say, “Oops, my kid has Tasmanian Torch Dancing practice on those nights,” well…that’s not going to work very well.
• An honest desire to serve your neighbors – The paper exists to serve Solon, period.
Here’s what I don’t want:
• Somebody with an axe to grind looking for a venue – Even if I agree with your cause, the only venue I have suitable would be, again, the opinion page. Or go vent your spleen on your social media.
• Somebody pushing an agenda – Again, even if I were to agree with your cause…not in the news pages.
• Somebody who isn’t dependable – I get it, things happen. But if you tell me you’ll cover a meeting or you’ll have a personality profile done for a certain edition, I’m going to be counting on that coming in.
If you like the idea of finding out first-hand what is going on in Solon, and you have a desire to share that with your fellow Solonites, give me a shout.
We need a little help
February 9, 2023
About the Contributor
Chris Umscheid, Editor
Chris Umscheid is the editor of the Solon Economist.