A note from the Principal
It is so hard to believe we are in February already! True to form, we have been experiencing more indoor recess days than we care to count! We are seriously hoping that Punxsutawney Phil doesn’t see his shadow (editor’s note: of course, he did, meaning six more weeks of winter) and we can look forward to spring weather and more outside recess days!
In the midst of the indoor recess energies our staff and students continue to push themselves in the classroom, putting forth a great deal of energy into all the academic learning that January and February bring. 4th grade is working hard on multiplication fluency and reading their way through their mystery novels while 5th graders are extending on their knowledge of multiplication and working hard to learn how to use research to support their opinions and persuade others. 5th grade parents, if you haven’t heard about the chocolate milk essay, you should ask!
As we venture into February, we look forward to a little Valentine’s Day fun, and start to get our second round of parent/teacher conferences scheduled later this month along with celebrating Read Across America Week (check out the details below)!
With conferences right around the corner, please watch your emails for a link to sign up for conferences. We will again use the ptcfast.com website to manage these appointments. These conferences will be student-led. Please plan to bring your child with you to his/her conference.
Sincerely, Mrs. Holtz
PTO Scrip orders
Did you know you can support our Lakeview/Solon Intermediate School PTO while ordering gift cards for some of your favorite stores? Get full price gift cards for various locations and a portion of your purchase goes back to your favorite PTO.
For details go to https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S-1lC-dh7ys0m2TOCqH5ZuVrNeFVMXil/view.
Check it out and grab some gift cards today!
SIS Yearbook orders
Our 22-23 Yearbooks are ready to be ordered. Orders can be made online or by filling out an order form. All orders are due by Thursday, June 1. To order online go to inter-state.com/order and enter code 74914J.
Special events
February may be cold and often snowy, but we do have a few fun things to look forward to.
Valentine’s Day Celebrations – Students will enjoy a little Valentine’s Day fun Tuesday, Feb. 14 when we walk to the Community Center in the afternoon and enjoy a school-wide movie. Special thanks to both Dylan and McKenzie at the Solon Community Center for helping us pull this off!
As we look to celebrate, we will follow these guidelines:
• Students may bring Valentine’s to share (please, no candy. Toys and trinkets are OK)
• Celebration snacks will be organized/communicated by the classroom teacher and should follow the district’s classroom snack guidelines
• School staff only (no visitors or guests)
Feb. 27 – March 3: Read Across America Week!
We’ll celebrate Read Across America Week with a little Dr. Seuss fun. Take a peek at our dress up days and encourage your child to join in. All of our days are tied to the fun of one of our favorite authors…Dr. Seuss, of course!
• Monday, Feb. 27 – Its Thing 1 and Thing 2: Twin Day!
• Tuesday, Feb. 28 – Green Eggs and Ham: Wear green!
• Wednesday, March 1 – The Sleep Book: Pajama Day!
• Thursday, March 2 – If I ran the Zoo: Wear animal print or stripes!
• Friday, March 3 – Fox in Socks: Wear those crazy socks!
PTO Conference Meal sign up
Our PTO is so generous in providing our teachers and office staff with an appreciation meal during our parent/teacher conference nights. If you would like to donate to help with this project, please go to https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050C4BAEA62CABFD0-teacher4.
Mark those calendars
Feb. 14 – Valentines’ Day classroom celebrations
Feb. 20 – No school, professional development day
Feb. 23 – SIS parent/teacher conferences (2:00-7:00 p.m.)
Feb. 27-March 3 – Read Across America Week!
March 2 – SIS parent/teacher conferences (2:00-7:00 p.m.)
March 10-17 – No school, Spring Break
March 27 – ISASP testing begins
Winter reminders
As the weather continues to drop and we prepare for the potential of snow, please keep the following in mind:
• Recess is held outdoors as long as the real feel temperature is 10° or higher.
• Students can ALWAYS use encouragement to wear their coats, gloves, and hats outside.
• it’s a good idea to write your child’s name in his/her personal belongings.
• As a reminder, students need boots and snow pants to go off of the concrete during recess. This has been an area of concern as many students are attempting to go in the snow without proper gear. Please remind your child to bring his/her gear for maximum recess fun.
Winter weather alerts
As winter weather arrives, be sure YOU stay in the know! Earliest notifications will be available through our Solon App! Download the app to your smartphone or other device and be the first IN THE KNOW!
Once you download the app, be sure to set notifications to ensure you are alerted to any weather-related schedule changes. Here’s how:
1 Download the app
2 With the app open, tap in the three (3) lines to the bottom left of your screen
3 After completing step 2, tap on the “settings” gear wheel in the lower right of your screen
4 When a new menu appears, tap on “Push Notifications”
5 Select the notifications you wish to receive (district, by school)
6 When finished selecting, tap “done”
It’s that easy!
Now is also a good time to check that your email and phone number are up to date in our Powerschool system. To do this, please log into your Powerschool account, check on “forms” and then edit your contact information.
Contact info
200 West 5th St., Solon, IA
Email — [email protected]
Website — solon.k12.ia.us