What’s going well?
We have a lot to celebrate as we enter the midway point of quarter 3. With all of the extra-curricular activities we have in Solon, we can forget about the amazing things happening within the walls of our building on a daily basis connected to learning and growth. Our staff continues to find the best possible way to serve your child on a daily basis. One of our goals this year has been to create a more “student centered” environment. Below you will see an excerpt from something Dr. Josh Lyons (Associate Superintendent for Teaching and Learning) shared with district employees. I thought it was worth sharing with all of you. Have a great February! – Zach Wigle, High School Principal
Student centered learning…so what?
What’s so special about the idea of student centered learning? Of course we want to have learning environments that focus on student learning – that’s why schools exist, right?
The phrase “student centered learning” is a bit of a cliché and in some respects is right in line with the old adage of developing students into “life long learners.” We hear similar phrases like these all the time and often nod our heads in agreement and move on with our day without much reflection. But what do these statements really mean, especially in the context of the daily grind among hundreds and even thousands of decisions we make each day as educators?
As a district, we have been recommitting to this idea of a student centered learning environment; identifying practices and resources that promote student agency (voice and choice). The theory is that if we foster student agency, we will see greater student engagement in their learning, which in turn should then manifest into students taking ownership of their learning. BUT…how do we go about doing that?
Creating a learning environment where students have voice and choice is not simply just giving students free rein with an “anything goes” learning environment. There have to be evidence-based practices in place, learning standards and objectives (goals) in mind, structures in place for feedback to refine learning, as well as holding a mindset of flexibility to support where students are in their learning journey.
This focus on student centered learning is much bigger than just teaching content, complying with expectations, or ensuring policies and procedures are in place (there is a place for this, but these should not be the drivers in our classrooms). Instead, the much bigger goal is to take advantage of our relationships with students; to build connections and understand who they are as learners and then from there create a learning environment that respects learners’ preferences, their academic and career goals, and who they are as individuals. This can happen regardless if they are 14 years old or four years old.
Hey seniors, save the date!
Dollars for Scholars deadline – Friday, March 10
Senior Awards Night – Wednesday, May 3, 6:30 p.m. in the Center for the Arts
NHS Induction – Wednesday, May 10, 7:00 p.m. in the Center for the Arts
Seniors’ last day – Thursday, May 18
Graduation – Sunday, May 21, 2:00 p.m.
2022-2023 Yearbook
Please help us create the best yearbook possible! Any of you can upload photos at any time all year long at https://plicbooks.com/go/XJ2X41. Right now we are specifically looking for girls and boys basketball, girls and boys wrestling, choir, club, and fall musical candid’s.
You are all welcome to start uploading pictures into your book at any time. We encourage adding a tag to the photo uploads before uploading so that pictures get categorized correctly.
Dates to add to your calendar
Feb. 9, 16, and 23 – 1:30 early dismissal
Feb. 20 – No school, professional learning for our teachers
From the Counseling Office
Mike Thompson, Solon HS Counselor
Phone — 319-624-3401 extension 1117
Email — [email protected]
Website – https://calendly.com/shscounselor/meeting-with-mr-thompson
Katie Anderson, College and Career Transition Counselor
Phone – 319-624-3401 extension 1116
Email – [email protected]
To schedule an appointment – https://calendly.com/katie-anderson-3/30min
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)
Winter grind – We are about at the midpoint of our 3rd quarter, grinding away toward March and spring break. A lot of extracurricular events will happen between now and the end of the quarter. Having to stay indoors due to the weather can negatively impact our daily routines. Parents, be mindful of your students as they navigate the busyness of their lives, making sure your students maintain a good diet and continue to get enough sleep and rest. If you have concerns about your student, please let me know if I can help in any way.
Take care, M. Thompson
Post-secondary information
Financial aid (FAFSA) – If you haven’t completed the FAFSA now is the time do so! If you have any questions contact our Iowa College Access Network (ICAN) representative, Lupe Hernandez. She has an office at the Kirkwood Regional Center in Coralville. To schedule a one-on-one appointment with ICAN visit www.icansucceed.org/apt.
Lupe Hernandez, Student Success Advisor
Eastern Iowa Student Success Center
Phone – 319-423-7702
Email – [email protected]
Last Dollar Scholarship: This scholarship pays for 100% of students’ tuition at Kirkwood in many high demand careers in industrial technology, healthcare, and information technology (also offered at other community colleges in Iowa). Check out which Kirkwood programs are eligible for Last Dollar Scholarship. No separate application required, just complete the FAFSA.
Scholarship information from the Counseling Office: Any scholarship information that comes to the Counseling Office is made available on the scholarship page (https://sites.google.com/solon.k12.ia.us/solon-hs-counseling/scholarship-information). Scroll to the 2023-2024 Comprehensive Scholarship List. There you will find links to view scholarship information with deadlines in the designated month.
Community book study
Introducing our next SHS community book! Funds from the Solon Education Foundation have been used for the purchase of An Immense World by Ed Yong. The Zoology class will be preparing chapters 3, 4, 11, and 13 (student choices) for a discussion over Zoom on Monday, March 6 from 2:00-3:00 p.m.
Books may be picked up at the Solon Public Library or Solon High School. A link to the discussion may be requested via email to [email protected] or by contacting the Solon Public Library when the date nears.
Activities schedules
For all things activity related please go to https://wamacconference.org/public/genie/150/school/12/ to find schedules, locations, dates, and times. The live streaming link for all of our events can be found at https://www.solon.k12.ia.us/o/shs/page/athletic-events-live-streams. Any questions can be directed to Casey Hack, district Activities Director at [email protected].