A note from the Principal
Once again, the months just continue to tick by and I find myself wondering where the first half of the year went! We’ve had so much fun that time has just flown!
December was jam packed with tons of fun! From our Dashing thru December Days to Santa and Dan & Debbie’s ice cream at lunch, to STEM fun, a PJ and a movie day, a 5th grade band concert, AND the extra day off thanks to the snow I can’t quite sum up the whirlwind that was December! We tried to take as many pictures as we could to share! Thanks a million for all the support, donations of STEM project items, and prepping students for each new day’s special event! A good time was had by all!
As we get back into the routine of things, we will be revisiting our building-wide expectations and setting ourselves up for all that the spring semester brings! Until then, take a peek at some of our pictures from December and read up on all that is to come!
Yours in Education,
Mrs. Holtz
Jr. Optimist Club news & update
Junior Optimist’s January/February event is called the Souper Bowl of Caring. Students work together to raise money/collect non-perishable food items for the pantry. We will partner with this organization (the Alpha Club) to support the Solon Food Pantry. The Solon Food Pantry is HIGH NEED, so this will be a great way to give back to our community, as well as to launch our first event with the Alpha Club!
The drive will last from Monday, Jan. 16 – Friday, Feb. 3. We will keep a weekly total/count for each class and grade and will make a fun little competition out of it!
We will be collecting non-perishable food items as well as change/cash. All proceeds will go to the Solon Food Pantry.
Thank you for your support!
Ms. McAtee and the SIS Jr. Optimist Club
A note from the Art Teacher
Art is in need of a few items for some upcoming projects. If you have any of the following items you could donate, we would be ever so grateful: grocery sacks, old newspapers, cardboard.
Thank you!
Mrs. Stout
Mark those calendars
Jan. 16: No school, professional development day for teachers
Jan. 16 – Feb. 3: Alpha Club food drive
Feb. 20: No school, professional development day for teachers
March 10-17: Spring break
March 27-April 12: ISASP testing window
Winter reminders
Please keep the following winter recess rules/expectations in mind:
• Recess is held outdoors as long as the real feel is 10° or higher.
• Students can ALWAYS use encouragement to wear their coats, gloves, and hats outside.
• It’s a good idea to write your child’s name in his/her personal belongings.
• When there is snow on the ground students will need boots and snow pants to go off of the concrete during recess.
Additionally, students should have brought home their rip-sticks, skateboards, rollerblades, and scooters before break. Please keep these at home until after spring break. With snow and occasional ice, we want to prevent any unnecessary injury.
Solon Intermediate School news
January 12, 2023