Chris Umscheid
Not everybody was thrilled to see Santa Claus during his recent visits to Solon. Here, Kassidy Miller, all of three years old, sought the safety and comfort of her mom’s arms rather than face the Jolly Old Elf at the Solon State Bank.
SOLON — Boys and girls, and even a few adults too, had the opportunity to make their Christmas gift requests directly to Santa Claus recently as the Jolly Old Elf made two stops in Solon. Santa, also known as Kris Kringle, stopped by the Solon State Bank Friday, Dec. 9 and the Solon American Legion Stinocher Post 460 Saturday, Dec. 10. Santa visited briefly with the Solon volunteer firefighters, who took a little time out of moving into their new fire station, to deliver him to the Legion Post via fire engine.
During a very brief lull, Santa graciously agreed to an exclusive interview with the Solon Economist and said although it is a hectic time, it’s all good at the North Pole.
“Things are going great! The elves are busy, Mrs. Claus is busy in the kitchen with the cookies, and we’re getting ready for Dec. 24th when I take flight,” he said. The reindeer, he said, “are eating up like a storm, getting ready to make that long flight all the way around the world.” About that globe-spanning trip to visit every good boy and girl, Mr. Kringle (with a twinkle in his eye) gave a carefully crafted answer so as to not reveal too much of his ‘Santa’s Magic.’
“It’s a question that’s been asked for millions of years,” he said. “It’s just the belief in the heart of everyone that makes it happen.”
Despite this being the busiest time at the North Pole, Santa always carves out time to drop in on Solon.
“Well, I’ve heard about the Legion and all of the great things that they do for the community, and I told Mrs. Claus I’ve got to go on down and just be a part of it and show my appreciation to them too.”