IOWA CITY — The Housing Trust Fund of Johnson County is currently offering $1,200,000 in funding to support the development and/or rehabilitation of housing provided to income-qualified households below 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI).
Eligible applicants include businesses, nonprofits, builders, developers, and governmental agencies seeking funds for affordable owner-occupied, rental, transitional, or emergency housing in Johnson County.
The application deadline is 11:00 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 2, 2023. The application, AMI guidelines, and additional information are available online at under the Programs tab Revolving Loan Program section, or by calling 319-358-0212.
The Housing Trust Fund of Johnson County invested $2.5 million in Fiscal Year 2022 thereby making 122 units of affordable housing possible within Johnson County through development and preservation.
The Housing Trust Fund of Johnson County, a 501 ©(3) not-for-profit entity, was founded in 2004 and has invested more than $13.7 million in creating and preserving housing that is affordable for almost 1,060 households with low incomes.