Solon Senior Support is a non-profit volunteer group helping Solon-area senior citizens. Please call Jill Weetman at 319-624-2773 to request our services or to volunteer to help others. Solon Senior Support can be found online at
Happy Holidays from Senior Support, Senior Advocates, and Senior Dining!
We thank the many volunteers who invest their time and talents in serving our local older adults!
FREE Holiday Meal for seniors
Friday, Dec. 16 at 11:30 a.m. sponsored by Senior Advocates, Senior Dining, and Senior Support.
Join us for a delicious meal, music, and door prizes! RSVP to Sandy Hanson by Monday, Dec. 12. 319-430-8655.
Know somebody needing a little cheer?
We know the holiday season can be tough for those who have lost a loved one or are separated from their families. If you know a senior who could use a little holiday cheer sent their way, please contact Jill at [email protected] or call 319-624-2773 and we can have a special delivery for them.
Need help getting the tree or decorations up around the house?
Give us a call and our volunteers can lend a hand.
Amazon benefits Solon Senior Support
Doing your Christmas shopping on Amazon? Go to and choose Solon Senior Support as your non-profit. We get 0.5% of eligible purchases, and you get all the same benefits of ordering through Amazon.
Snow Angels
If you will need help with snow removal this winter, please contact Jill at 319-624-2773 and leave a message or email [email protected]
Chair Yoga update
Chair Yoga has been so popular both the Monday 12:30 and Wednesday 10:00 classes are well-attended! Come try it out, you will love it!
NO CHAIR YOGA Monday, Dec. 26 due to the Library being closed.
Julie will be out of town in January and February, but Chair Yoga will continue with her awesome videos. Keep your body healthy and strong!
Want to join Johnson County Pickleball Club?
Contact Janet Luedtka, 319-331-3361 or jluedtka3@gmailcom, or Jill Weetman, 319-330-8961 or [email protected] for more information and a registration form. PCJC dues are $10/year. Fees for usage of the Family Life Center (FLC) are $40/year ($20 for 2022) and donations are gladly accepted. Pickleball is played on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. – noon at the FLC.
Zumba meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9-10:00 a.m. at the Solon Community Center gymnasium. The class is taught by the fantastic Rebecca Donovan and is only $1! Bring a water bottle and be ready to have some fun.
December Solon senior news
December 8, 2022